Sunday, October 26, 2014

41 Weeks... she's on her way!!

How far along? 41 weeks
Baby size: Watermelon, 7.93 lb, 20.35 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 33 pounds as of my last doctor's visit
Maternity clothes? Yes! 
Stretch marks? No, thankfully made it through without any!!  I used Palmer's Organic Cocoa Tummy Butter every day to rub all over my belly and sides as soon as I got out of the shower or bath.  I started using it around 16 weeks and am still using it.

Sleep: Sleep has been nice!!  The first day I was off, I woke at 4am and could not go back to sleep, but my body quickly realized that it was nice to sleep until around 7 or 8am each morning since I did not have to get up for work.  Still had to get up at least once to use the bathroom.
Best moment this week:
Having time off!!  I have SO enjoyed this week :)  God knew exactly what I needed!  I have had time to rest, relax, and take naps.  I enjoyed lunch out several different days with adults, and I didn't even have to open their ketchup or milk cartons : )!!  I ate with Mama one day, Daniel's mom and niece one day, Daniel two days, and my grandparents one day.  I also had breakfast with my parents at Cracker Barrel one morning, dinner with my in-laws, and went with my brother to my cousin Jake's football game one night.  I had time to go visit with my friend Brantley and her sweet baby girl Charlotte who is 5 weeks old and my friend Jeanna and her sweet baby girl Abigail who is 12 weeks old.  I did a little shopping and even bought some Christmas presents since Christmas is only 2 months away!!  I got my toenails done again after one of my friends encouraged me to go since I may not have time again for a while once baby arrives, and of course I cleaned my house again.  

We had another doctor's appointment Friday morning.  I went with very low expectations again so I would not be disappointed.  First, I had an ultrasound to make sure everything looked okay.  They did something called a BPP (Biophysical Profile) test to determine the overall health of the baby.  They look at four different areas and the baby is able to earn up to two points in each area for a total of eight points.   The areas are: breathing, motion, fluid, and muscle tone.  She scored a two in all areas giving her an eight out of eight, which was wonderful to hear!   They said everything looked great.  Her head is still down in position and she is also stomach down, which is what they want.  They do not want "sunny side up" because they would have to turn her head down at delivery.  We were also able to see that she has A LOT of hair.  Her head seriously looked like a jelly fish with tentacles swaying behind (which was her hair).  We were even able to see tiny white specks in the fluid area which the ultrasound tech said was her skin, that it sheds just like ours does.  Amazing that they can see such tiny details.  She also said that she was measuring around 8 pounds 1 ounce, but she said the further along you are the less accurate it is, that she could realistically be between 7 pounds 8 ounces and over 8 pounds.  Her heart rate was 154 bpm.  We headed to see the doctor next, and I checked in at a whopping 1/2 cm AGAIN.  Haha!  The doctor said the ultrasound results were great, but that the chances of still births increase 6 times after 41 weeks, so she wanted to schedule an induction.  She explained that since my cervix was not "favorable," that I would need to come in the night before to the hospital to be given Cervidil which is a medicine to help soften the cervix.  Then, the next morning they will start me on the Pitocin drip to help begin contractions and hopefully will be able to break my water by mid morning.  If the medications do not work as quickly as they would like, I may have to be given the Cervidil again the following night and continue with Pitocin the next day.  They scheduled me to come in to Regional today at 5:15pm and will begin the induction Monday morning at 5am.  Please pray specifically that the medication will work correctly and will help me progress in a timely manner with no side effects and with no need for a C-section.  Also, a huge praise report... my normal doctor, Dr. B. Giep, (who I was seeing before I was pregnant) is the one who is on call all day Monday and all night.  I really like all the other doctors, but I am most comfortable with him since I have know him the longest.    
Miss Anything?  Being able to sit up straight.  It has been overly painful this week to sit longer than an hour.
Movement: I think she has been celebrating more than me to have a week off.   The girl has been moving like crazy all day every day which could be why I am feeling even more cramped than normal.

Food cravings: The doctor told me on Friday to make sure I eat some good meals before being admitted Sunday because I won't be able to eat until after delivery.  I have been taking advantage.  I wanted pizza Friday for lunch and Cracker Barrel Saturday morning for breakfast.  Still loving anything to do with potatoes (sweet and regular) as well as ice cream and bread.  Today for lunch, I wanted a banana and peanut butter sandwich with apple juice and apple sauce. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Any kind of bad smells first thing in the morning.
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a Girl!!
Symptoms: I have felt very cramped this week.  When she moves I can feel her from the tops of my legs to the tops of my ribs.  I have also had to take more Tums this week than normal for heart burn and for my burning throat.  Wearing an underwire bra is very uncomfortable and right under my bra in the opening were my ribs connect has been totally numb since Tuesday.  It feels like it is asleep and when I pinch my skin there, I barely have any feeling.  The ultrasound tech said that was normal and that baby was probably just laying on it.  I have also had very sharp pains at the tops of my legs where my bathing suit lays.  The pains are sometimes so bad they sent me from standing to a chair.  The nurse said Friday that she is probably just hitting a nerve.  It happens after 6pm if I try to walk around a lot. 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Finally being able to meet Emersyn!!  It seems SO surreal.  We have waited for 41 weeks, but then again it seems like just yesterday when I took a pregnancy test that Saturday morning.  I am not sure if you are ever truly READY for such a big life change, especially when you are not sure what to expect.  Of course I question if I am going to be a "good enough" mama, and how Daniel and I are going to function and juggle life with a newborn.  The past few days we have really been enjoying "just us" time, and saying it will never be just the two of us again.  Although the change seems scary at times and I am dreading the pain that is ahead in the next few days,  I am excited for a new journey and to become a family of three!!  We appreciate your prayers throughout our pregnancy and ask that you continue to pray for a safe delivery and healthy baby.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


In our fast paced world, waiting is not easy for most of us.  Our society thrives on instant gratification and having patience is a thing of the past.   We have texting, microwaves, email, airplanes, DVRs, drive through restaurants, fast lanes on the Interstates, and even Internet shopping.  All these inventions are helpful, but they have spoiled us and made us lose the joy and beauty of what it means to wait.  My mama always told us as children that one of the greatest joys in life was having to wait for something and then finally being able to receive it; she was big on this when it came to toys, electronics, etc. that we wanted as children.  Of course we thought she was crazy at the time because we couldn't understand why our friends' moms would buy them whatever they wanted, when they wanted while we had to wait for a birthday or Christmas to come along, but I am now forever grateful for the life lesson she taught my brother and me through this.

I have never been called a “patient person,” and Daniel and I are in a time of waiting as we excitedly expect the arrival of our baby girl soon.  Of course this type of waiting is nothing compared to other instances in my life where I have had to wait, but it has been a challenge in its own way.  Our daughter was due this past Saturday, and of course we did all of the things to try to make sure she was here early or on time.  We were ready to meet her!!  We had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and were told that I had not progressed at all… still just ½ cm if that.  At first I was sad that I had begun my maternity leave and had this time off but no baby to share it with, and then as I spoke with several of my friends and family who encouraged me to enjoy this time I had off, the news quickly changed into an unexpected blessing. 

See, if I had been in control, I wanted to finish work, have a weekend to ourselves, and then have Emersyn arrive this past Monday when I would normally be going back to work.  Turns out, unless she changes her mind, I will probably have this whole week off to myself and when we visit the doctor again this Friday we will discuss an induction for next week.  As I was lying in the bed this morning, I could not stop thanking God for once again rescuing me, and orchestrating my life for the better.  I realized that I have not had a week off to be at home in 2 years!!  I have taught summer school the past 2 summers and the weeks I have had off during Christmas or spring break, we have been out of town on vacation.  I am a “goer” and LOVE to fill my days off with plans, but sometimes it is so refreshing to “be still.”  I am thankful that I will probably have time each morning this week to sit and be still before the Lord as long as I want.  Oh how I have neglected making time for that in the craziness of life.  I am thankful that I will probably have time to spend with my family and friends this week that so often get neglected and pushed to the side.  And I am also thankful that I will have time to rest and enjoy these last few days before my life so wonderfully and drastically changes. 

Looking back over my life, some of the greatest blessings have arrived after a season of waiting.   I have waited and prayed for godly friends, a husband, where to go to college, jobs, buying a home, finances, lost souls, sicknesses in those around me, and more.  I would love to elaborate on each of the experiences, but will save that for a future post perhaps.  Really our whole lives should revolve around trusting and waiting on the Lord, and expecting Him to do great things.  Maybe you are waiting on:

  • A new job or a career change
  • A godly spouse
  • Becoming pregnant
  • The salvation of a friend or family member
  • Results from the doctor
  • Direction regarding an important decision
  • Healing from a loss
  • The strength to forgive

In this time of waiting right now, take time to be still in the Lord, turn it over to Him, and enjoy growing in your faith trusting that His ways are higher than ours.  One of the longer waiting seasons in my life was waiting on the spouse God had created for me.  Let me tell you, the wait was more than worth it in the end.  God outdid Himself by giving me Daniel, but the waiting period was not always easy.  I can remember driving 30 minutes to work each morning and listening to praise and worship music and hearing “While I’m Waiting” by John Waller for the first time.  I was in tears driving down the interstate listening to the message, “I will serve You while I’m waiting.”  I encourage you to listen to it below, read the verses and quotes, and use your seasons of waiting to grow stronger in the Lord and joyfully serve Him.

Isaiah 40:31-33
“Those who wait in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Psalm 37:9
"For evildoers shall be cut off; but those who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.”

Psalm 33:20-22
“Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.  For our heart shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His Holy name.  May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in You.”

Psalm 130:5-6
“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope.  My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning, yes, more than those who watch for the morning.”

“Biblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want.  Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be.”      John Ortberg

“To wait on God means to pause and soberly consider our own inadequacy and the Lord’s all-sufficiency, and to seek counsel and help from the Lord, and to hope in Him.  The folly of not waiting for God is that we forfeit the blessing of having God work for us.”       John Piper

“Stand still, keep the posture of an upright man, ready for action, expecting further orders, cheerfully and patiently awaiting the directing voice; and it will not be long ere God shall say to you, as distinctly as Moses said it to the people of Israel, “Go forward.”
If the Lord Jehovah makes us wait, let us do so with our whole hearts; for blessed are all they that wait for Him.  He is worth waiting for.  The waiting itself is beneficial to us; it tries faith, exercises patience, trains submission, and endears the blessing when it comes.  The Lord’s people have always been a waiting people.”      Charles Spurgeon

Sunday, October 19, 2014

40 Weeks

How far along? 40 weeks
Baby size: Watermelon, 7.63 lb, 20.16 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: 30 pounds as of my last doctor's visit
Maternity clothes? Yes! 
Stretch marks? No 

Sleep: I have slept good this week because I have been exhausted when my head hit the pillow every night.  Between making sure the house is clean and finishing all my sub plans, procedures, and getting everything finished at work for a 14 week leave, I have been busy every day!!
Best moment this week:
Starting my maternity leave!!  Friday was my last day at work since my due date was Saturday.  Daniel and I went to Outback Friday night to celebrate with dinner and a chocolate thunder from down under of course!!  I woke up several times Friday night in a panic that I was late for work, and then realized that I did not have to worry about leaving the house at the crack of dawn for a while : )  SO, Saturday morning I did not get out of bed until 8am.  That is LATE for me.  Even on Saturdays, I am usually up and running no later than 6ish.  It was NICE.  Daniel and I went for a morning walk to try to help bring on labor, and then we made banana, orange, and pineapple smoothies.  (Pineapple is said to help bring on labor also).  I could get used to not having to run out the door early in the morning.  Now, we just need our precious little girl to join us!!  Many of you have asked if I have had any signs of labor, and the answer is no : (  Still just the Braxton Hicks contractions, no pain.  No spotting.  And I feel great as long as I am moving or laying down (don't enjoy sitting).  We went for a walk again today, and walking is just too easy to be past my due date.  My cousin Jeanne hung out with us for a while Saturday, and she said my nose looked bigger which was a sign of labor... but still no baby. 
Miss Anything?  Being able to plan.  I am learning quickly that planning and babies just don't seem to go together.  Every day I am wanting the house to be perfectly clean in case it is "THE DAY" Emersyn decides to come.  I woke up this morning, washed my hair, shaved my legs, and put on make up... just in case today is the day.  I just know she is going to decide to come the day/night that my house and hair are the dirtiest and when I have neglected to put on make up. 
Movement: She has been moving a lot all week but Friday and Saturday she moved more than I think she has ever moved.  Friday, I got home from work around 4:00 and she moved NONSTOP from then until I went to sleep.  Not kidding at all.  The whole time we were at dinner, the drive to and from dinner, and even when we were watching a movie at home, she was rolling.  I was almost nervous that something was wrong because she was moving so much.  Maybe she was just celebrating with me that I had begun my maternity leave, and she would have my undivided attention : )

Food cravings: Chocolate Thunder from Outback!!  And I was also craving that hamburger dip with Velveeta cheese, so I made it Saturday night and we had pizza, wings, raw veggies and such while watching the football games.  Both of our parents came over too, and we were hoping that Emmie would decide to come so we could all go to the hospital together!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a Girl!!
Symptoms: I have actually felt really good this week.  They say it's nesting.  I have been super productive and even had time to relax this weekend.  The only annoying symptoms this week have been the struggle to sit straight up for a while and my bladder.  It really hurts the top of my stomach to sit up over an extended time because my bra digs into my stomach.  Standing is much more comfortable and laying down is even better!!  Friday night we were going to go see the new Nicholas Sparks movie, but after sitting at Outback for dinner, I told Daniel I only wanted to go to the movies if they had lazy boys : )  We went home and watched  a movie on the couch instead.  My bladder has also not been doing it's job as well as it should.  I have had a sinus infection this past week, and there have been several times when I cough really hard that I wet myself.  (Sorry if it's too much information, but just wanted to be honest for all you pregnant ladies out there who want a REAL account.)  Friday morning it happened before going to work, and I honestly thought my water had broken.  I looked up online how to tell if your water had broken and most things said that you would continue to have more leaking.  Since I did not, I decided to head on to work.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment tomorrow morning!!!  I HATE not knowing what is going on.  I have said several times this week that I wish I could run to the doctor's office and have them check my cervix to see if I was progressing any more.  I am not going with high hopes tomorrow because I don't want to be disappointed if I am still only a 1/2 cm.  I just want to know!!  Hopefully if I have not progressed they will let me schedule an induction for later in the week.  I have been praying that she will come on her own though to avoid extra medicine... natural is always better.  I will do an update after the doctor visit tomorrow because hopefully there will not be a 41 weeks post... just some pictures of our Emersyn arriving!!

Just the belly... Full Term (40 weeks and 1 day)

Monday, October 13, 2014

39 Weeks - Sneak Peek at the Nursery

How far along? 39 weeks
Baby size: Small Watermelon, 7.25 lb, 19.96 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: I went to the doctor today and actually lost one pound from last week.  I  have gained 30 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight. 
Maternity clothes? Yes!  And I have my nursing bras and nursing tanks ready to go for the hospital.
Stretch marks? No 

Sleep: Sleep has been pretty good this week.  I usually get up once to use the bathroom, but I am able to go right back to sleep.  Probably because I have been in full force this past week trying to get everything ready.  Poor Daniel's sleep has not been so good, and it's all my fault.  He has been recording me snoring several nights this week on his phone... how embarrassing.  I didn't snore before pregnancy so I blame it on Emersyn. 
Best moment this week:
I checked some MAJOR things off my "to do list."  When the doctor said last Monday that the baby would probably come within the next week, I went a bit into panic mode... or some people call it "nesting."  We completely finished her nursery this week, except for a small lamp stand I ordered that has not arrived yet.  I was able to get her bag packed and have almost completed packing my bag.  All of her clothes, blankets, towels, etc are washed and ready.  Video camera and regular cameras are charged with back up memory cards.  All of my fall things are out, pansies planted, mums and pumpkins on the porch.  I even got a french pedicure so she wouldn't be embarrassed of her mama's chipping polish : )  Needless to say we both worked our tails off all week trying to prepare for her arrival.  I also worked endless hours this past week preparing for my maternity leave at work.  You would not believe HOW MANY procedures and responsibilities teachers have until you sit down to type it out to someone who has never been in your classroom how to take over.  CRAZY!!  Thankfully, I will be meeting her tomorrow and will be able to show her things before she covers my leave.  We are also ready to meet our little girl, so we have been trying all the suggestions people have given to bring on labor (Mexican food, Japanese food, pineapple to thin your cervix, walking, etc.)

SO, with all that work and time spent preparing... I went to the doctor today and just knew he was going to tell me I was at least dilated to a 3.  NOPE... I'm still a stinking 1/2 cm.  AND, he said I was at a -1 station which means her head is higher than the 0 station I was at last Monday.  He said it could just be that my bladder is full and pushing the head up.  The doctor I saw today seems to think it may be a while.  I have an appointment for next Monday (which is 2 days past my due date), and he said he would discuss induction at 41 weeks.  If I were at a 3 or 4, he said we could discuss induction now, but my body is not ready and my cervix is too far back still.  So both of our predictions were wrong.  Daniel thought she would be born on Oct. 12 and I was hoping for Oct. 14th.  I guess baby girl already has a mind of her own : )  On a positive note, my blood pressure, weight, etc were all good, and Emersyn's heart beat was 152 bpm.
Miss Anything?  Being able to lay down and type easily.  My belly bump is so big now that I have to lay the laptop on the tops of my thighs and reach as far as I can!!
Movement: She is still moving a lot and she likes to keep her booty on the right side of my stomach.  It is funny to see it sticking out more than the other side.  She has also had the hiccups several times this week. 

Food cravings: Apples, apple juice, starches, ice cream, chicken
Anything making you queasy or sick: Same things that have been in the past.  I was shocked that the Mexican food I ate Friday night did not mess with my stomach though!!
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a Girl!!
Symptoms: I am having more and more pressure below and even some sharp pains.  My stomach is tightening more often now with the Braxton Hicks, but they do not hurt.  Still the same shortness of breath, burning throat in the afternoons, and swelling in the calves/ankles/feet.  And apparently I am in the "nesting" period because I have had a huge burst of energy this past week that I have not had in a while.  I had not been to church in a few weeks because it was hard for me to sit still for 2 hours, but we went this Sunday and it did not even phase me.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Holding our baby!!  And having time off from work to get back into some of the things I love like cooking and taking care of our home.  I am also really excited that the Hallmark Christmas movies begin at the end of October... just in time to snuggle up with my baby and enjoy the season!!

Another highlight this week: My friend Monica had her baby Wednesday!!


Emersyn's Nursery Pictures

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks
Baby size: Pumpkin (how appropriate!!), 6.80 lb, 19.61 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: I went to the doctor today and have gained 31 pounds.  So sad to reach the 30 mark :(  At least there are not many more weeks to gain weight!!
Maternity clothes? Yes! 
Stretch marks? No 

Sleep: Sleep has been so-so.  I think that is just a part of it at this point.  I usually wake up several times in the night either needing to use the bathroom, sweating, or needing to switch sides.  Thankfully, I have been able to go back to sleep pretty easily every night this past week except for last Monday night when I woke up at 2:30 and stayed awake the rest of the night.
Best moment this week:
Enjoying the perfect fall weather this weekend!!  We had a wedding to attend Saturday at the Cliffs at Glassy where Daniel used to work.  The mountains were beautiful and so was the sky and weather.  Then Sunday, we went on the annual McDowell mountain trip with Daniel's family.  We stopped in downtown Saluda for a picnic at the park and then headed up to Hendersonville, NC and made several stops at apple/pumpkin places.  Fun family time and a tradition I cannot wait to share with Emersyn next year : )  I also enjoy going to my doctor's appointments right now because I like hearing where I am on the process leading up to delivery.  My blood pressure, pulse, and other routine things were good.  Emersyn's heartbeat was 121 bpm, which they said was very normal.  The heart rate drops as they drop lower into the birth canal.  I have not dilated any more than 1/2 cm, but they said her head went from a -2 to 0 station, so she is a lot further down.  The doctor told me that he would estimate next week would be the time and to make sure I am ready with my bags packed (opps!! got to get that done).  I questioned why I had not dilated any more since last week, and he said first time moms do not need to rely completely on how much you are dilated because it could all happen fast in one day.  The main thing to note was that her head was steadily moving down and progressing for delivery.
Miss Anything?  Shaved legs... it's just not worth the struggle right now.  I've been trying to wear pants and leggings as much as possible to avoid shaving them.  One day I picked out a long dress to wear to work, but once I put it on, I realized it had a slit on the left side up to my knee.  I quickly shaved only my left leg before work haha.  So today when I went to the doctor, I completely forget about tidying up my legs and had a pretty smooth left leg and a pretty hairy right leg.  The joys of pregnancy!!  I'm sure my doctor understands and has seen worse : )
Movement: She is still very active at night and in the afternoons when I get home from work.  She can make my stomach look very lopsided making it obvious to tell which side her rear is laying on at the moment. 

Food cravings: Still love bread and milk the most.  I also love any kind of noodles or pasta, fruit (we bought a bag of Gala apples from the mountains and I have been eating one every day), and desserts I have been craving more this week.  Also at the mountains, we bought several apple treats that were very delicious!!  My favorite to buy are always the apple cider doughnuts, but I also bought a small fried apple pie to eat and Daniel and I shared an apple slushy at one place and a hot apple cider at another.  Then I bought an apple fritter to take home with me for a treat after my late night of parent conferences on Monday.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Staying away from salads, tomatoes, peppers, onions, okra, broccoli, etc.  Things that I know are just not worth the digestion issues they cause.
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a Girl!!
Symptoms: My throat is still burning in the afternoons, a lot more pressure below when standing, and my feet are staying pretty swollen even after being propped up.  I tried to wear flat closed toe shoes to work today, but they just did not fit.  I am still having to sport my flip flops because there is plenty of room for my swollen feet in them.  I have also been having more Braxton Hicks contractions. 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Having a weekend with NOTHING on the agenda.  I want to just enjoy time with Daniel (I think we are planning a date night for Friday), enjoy time being at home and relaxing before our lives completely change!!

Wedding at the Cliffs at Glassy

 My parents in front of the chapel.

 Me with my parents

 Just the two of us... but not for long : )

 Overlooking the mountains

 Daddy and Mama... soon to be Pappy and Mimi

God's beauty!!

McDowell Family Mountain Trip

Our nephew Matt picking out his pumpkin.

 Big as a pumpkin!!

 The whole crew!!

 Our niece Addison having fun at the park.

 Our niece Emma cheesing it : )

 If only my pumpkin belly was still this small!!

 Making memories with my sweetie!

 Daniel and his great aunt Jessie

My father-in-law playing a trick on me.  He said for us to stand together to see whose belly stuck out the most.  As soon as Daniel went to take the picture, he sucked in his belly!!

 Glad our little pumpkin is not THAT BIG!!

Love spending time with him!!