Emersyn was actually four months old on February 28th, so I am a little late posting! Better late than never right : )
How Old: Four Months
Weight: 12lb (doctor said we are around the 15th percentile)
Length: 24 in (45th percentile)
Head: 15 1/2in (5 to 10th percentile, but doctor promised this does not indicate her intelligence, worried mama here asked of course :) She said some people just have smaller heads.)
Clothes: Anything that snaps around her diaper she needs 6 months. She can still get by with a few 3-6 months, especially if they are pant/shirt separates or dresses. She has now moved to size 2 diapers.
Sleep: She is still a wonderful night sleeper for the majority of the time. I feed her between 7-8 (depending on how her day feedings go) and she has been sleeping until 5am when I have to feed her before going to work. This happens 80% of the time. She will sometimes wake once for an extra feeding around 2 or 3am. However, there is something about Friday nights! I don't know if she KNOWS that mommy has been gone all week and just wants extra snuggle time or if she hits a small growth spurt every Friday night, but she has been consistently waking at least 2 times every Friday night to eat and is still up by 5am. I guess she didn't get the memo that I am off on Saturday mornings and we can sleep as long as we want : ) As far as day naps, when I have her at home she likes to eat, play for an hour or so, and then nap until time for the next feeding. She does this pretty consistently except for after the 2pm feeding where she will usually play longer without a nap. She does different things when her Mimi and Gran Gran are keeping her, but she typically takes between 3-4 naps a day. She will let you know when she is sleepy though. She starts whining a bit, rubbing those eyes, and as soon as I swaddle her, put in her paci, lay her against my chest, and start singing she is out within 2 minutes.
Food: She is still drinking only mommy's milk. Part of the month she was doing 3 1/2 ounces per bottle while I was away, and then we raised it to 4 ounces during the day. She eats with me in the morning before I go to work around 5am, and I am guessing it is around 5-6 ounces since it has been a while since she last ate. Then I send 3 bottles with her while I am away. When I am back with her after work she usually does 2 sometimes 3 more feedings.
Emersyn's Firsts:
- Finding her feet: This month you found your feet and love putting them in your mouth haha! Anytime we change your diaper the first thing you do is reach right down for your toes! You also enjoy eating them!!!
- Ice/Snow: While mommy was on maternity leave she prayed that the snow would hold off until February when she was back into work full time. Well, her prayers were answered. You saw your first ice/snow on February 9th! It snowed again several days later so I was able to stay home and spend extra time with you : )
- Valentine's Day: Daddy got you flowers, 2 board books, and a ball. Mommy took you to Barnes and Noble and bought you some more board books. Both sets of your grandparents bought you books. (Can you tell we all want you to love reading??!!) You also got some other surprises from your cousins and Aunt Jessie. And Uncle Clay came and spent the day with us. You wore the outfit he gave you and we had a lunch at Blondies and ran errands. You bought your Valentine, Daddy, a card and Dove dark chocolates. February 14th
- Rolling from back to belly: You did this for the first time while mommy was out of work for a snow day! You sure do know how to make your mama happy. February 17th
- Staying with Daddy all day: Mama had a 2 hour delay so we thought it would be silly to have one of your grandmas keep you. Daddy came home early from work and kept you from 8:45am until mommy got home around 3:30pm. He had fun with you, but was pretty tired :) February 20th
- Staying at Gigi and Rick's house all day: Mommy and daddy went on their first date since you came into this world. While we spent the day in Greenville watching the Clemson/USC baseball game, you had fun playing with Gigi, Rick, Jake, Luke, and Drew (on your 4 month birthday). February 28th
Emersyn Loves: Playing with her toes, putting everything she can pick up into her mouth, rolling around on her activity gym, feeling different textures (she discovered the carpet lately and loves feeling it), bath time, smiling, music and being sung to, riding in her stroller, car rides as long as there is not a red light, playing in her Obouce activity seat, napping in her Rock n Play, chewing on our fingers, being outside, and cuddling swaddled up with her mama and daddy
Emersyn Dislikes: Red lights or when she is in her car seat and the car is not moving, too many people or noise when she is tired, being the the room by herself, rolling onto her stomach and not being able to push back over (she squeals loudly to let us know she needs help)
Emersyn is Learning to: Bear weight on her feet while standing in our lap, push up on her hands like a belly push up while doing tummy time, roll from front to back and back to front, sit up with support, squeal haha (we did not teach her this by the way), lean over to us when we hold our hand out
Mommy's Favorite Thing: You are growing and changing every day! Reading what I wrote from month 3 makes me realize how fast your infancy is passing by. I love watching every new milestone you hit, but a part of me is also a bit saddened knowing you will be considered a toddler before I blink my eyes. Your smile melts my heart, and my new favorite thing you do is lean over to me when you see me for the first time after I'm away. You are so curious about the world around you and have such a determined personality. I love watching you learn, but my all time favorite is your down time when you want to cuddle in my arms, rub your blanket on your face, and show me that sleepy grin with your paci in your mouth. Mommy treasures every day and every minute I get to spend with you!!
Daddy's Favorite Thing: I love the fact that I get to sing to you every morning "Good Morning Beautiful" and to see your big smile as I'm singing. You must be tone deaf though because I can't carry a tune, but it makes me feel like I can! I love anytime I hear "Amazing Grace" because that is one of our songs we sing too. I love how you still give me those big smiles. Reading books to you is also one of my favorite things, except when you try to eat the books! When you are feeding, and I come in the room, you immediately stop eating and just stare at me, and honestly can't even focus on eating because you just want to look at me, which makes me just love you even more. It is fun to watch you be so curious, and learn new things my "Little Curious George". I enjoy watching you play and discover new things as you are growing and learning so much so fast! I know there are so many more favorites, but Mommy says I need to get my own blog because I write so much about you, so I'll stop for this month. :)
What I've Learned This Month:
** It DOES NOT get easier: During those first few days back at work that were so rough leaving my baby, people at work, friends, and family would say, "It will get easier." Honestly, my easiest weeks at work were the first ones. I was rested, had spent 12 wonderful weeks with my baby, and actually enjoyed getting out of the house. Now I see every weekend how much I have missed throughout the week, and it actually gets harder every Monday to leave her again. It just makes me long to make the most of every moment I do have with Emersyn.
** I have THE BEST husband ever: Daniel has really stepped it up since I have been so busy and tired juggling the full time work and mommy position while still trying to breast feed (which is a full time job in itself lol). Every work morning, he makes me a smoothie for breakfast and packs my lunch while I am feeding Emersyn. Then, he entertains her while I get ready. The mornings she goes to Gran Gran's, he takes her so I won't have to leave the house at 6:15, and in the evenings we are trying to tag team a schedule of him going to the gym one day and me going the next because summer is coming way to fast for these out of shape parents!! Not to mention that it completely melts my heart seeing them play together :)
Holding my toes!
Eating my toes!
Trying to eat my sticker!
I love playing on my activity gym.
See the baby in the mirror?
Sweet sleeping angel
Cuddling with mommy!! Nothing sweeter in this world!!
Valentine pictures by Monica Parrkonen
Mommy's kisses
Love chewing on Sophie the giraffe
My first ice storm!
Sweet dreams little one
I like to go to church :)
Listening to bear's secrets
Eating my towel after bath time
Daddy's presents for Valentine's Day
First time in my bouncer seat!! Growing up!!
Yum! These fingers taste good!
Pretty eyes
My first snow... although it wasn't as big as the weather man predicted.
It's so bright out here!! Where's the green grass?