How Old: Five Months
Weight: 13lb 11oz (around the 15 - 20th percentile) she was weighed a little after her 5 month birthday so it may actually have been more like 13lb 7oz
Length: 25in (around the 45th percentile)
Clothes: She has officially outgrown the length of anything that is 3-6 months unless it is a dress. Pants and shirts that snap are too short. She is wearing mostly 6 month clothes or 6-9 months. She is still wearing size 2 diapers.
Sleep: Well, that wonderful night sleeper took a turn for the worst this past month. Not sure if it was the "4 month sleep regression" that so many moms and books talk about or if it was a combination of the time change and just needing extra snuggle time with mommy. She has been waking typically at least once a night and the last few weeks of her 4 month days, she has had some nights where she wakes up twice. I will feed her once in the night, but didn't want to make it a habit of feeding her twice, so if she wakes a second time, I reswaddle her and give her a paci. Yes, we are still swaddling her before naps and bedtime because she still needs that security to STAY asleep without being held. We asked the pediatrician at our 4 month visit about it and she said (despite what all the websites and blogs say) it is fine to continue swaddling her. She always breaks free during the night, so she is able to move for her physical development. When I have her during the day, she seems to be cutting back on the number of naps she is taking so she can take longer naps. She is very consistent about wanting a long morning nap exactly 2 hours after her first morning feeding. This is her best nap!! It is usually at least 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Then she likes to nap right after lunch and then in the later afternoon. With me she takes naps in her Rock n' Play, Pack in Play, or crib depending upon which area is the quietest where I am not disturbing her while getting ready or doing chores.
Food: She still drinks only mommy's milk, but she is VERY interested in watching us eat and even tries to grab our food and cups. I think we will be trying oatmeal in a few weeks!! She feeds with me between 5-5:30am each morning. On days that I work, she takes 3 bottles usually around 8:30-9:00am, noon, and 2:30-3:00pm. Most of the month she was doing 4 1/2 ounces, but towards the end we raised it to 5 ounces. When I pick her up, she eats two more times with me before bed and has been eating once during the night which we are working on cutting out by gradually raising her milk amount during the day. There have been some days when I work that she takes her third bottle after 4, which hurts us at night because she misses one of her day feedings.
Emersyn's Firsts:
- Sunglasses: Mimi gave you your first pair and you loved wearing them at Momom and Papa's house on a sunny Sunday afternoon. March 8th
- Being put to bed without Mommy: Mommy and Daddy went on a date to see Selah at The Cove and Mimi stayed at our house to keep you and spend the night. She put you to bed, but when we got home at 10pm, you woke up :) You are smarter than we give you credit little girl!! March 12th
- Spending the whole afternoon outside: You have been on stroller rides, but today was the first day it has been warm enough to enjoy a whole afternoon. You played in your Pea Pod on the porch and loved it!! March 15th
- Having your eyes dilated: You did great and the eye doctor said everything look good! You looked hilarious in the dark glasses they gave you. March 19th
- Laughing out loud: Daddy had stomach virus all weekend so we stayed away!! That Monday when he felt no longer contagious, he touched you for the first time in 3 days and blew on your belly. You cackled out loud for the first time!! Since then, daddy is the only one who has been able to make you laugh out loud. March 23rd
Emersyn Loves:
Putting everything in her mouth, slamming down both of her legs when she wakes up, touching our faces, knowing we are close by, playing on her belly, going places (she gets bored easily), being talked to, bath time, laying on her changing table free from diaper and clothes, TV, being outside!!
Emersyn Dislikes:
Noise or people talking loud when she is tired or trying to eat. Lately, if I am talking on the phone while nursing her she squeals and tries to hit the phone out of my hand :). She also dislikes playing with one thing for a long period of time, being in the car seat without it moving, putting clothes over her head, and when we try to get her boogies out!!
Emersyn is Learning to:
Bring every object to her mouth, pick up larger items with both hands, use her feet together to get things she wants, stand with support in our lap, move herself all around in her Oball seat, roll over both ways without help (she would roll to her stomach and then squeal for help), make a 360 turn on her belly to reach for the things she needs, sit up in a chair that has a back (still working on sitting alone on the floor)
Mommy's Favorite Thing:
I love how your personality is developing more and more every day. You are very determined and independent. You want to hold the bottle without assistance and grab toys by yourself. You also LOVE learning!! You are very busy, get bored easily, and love seeing new places and going outside. After a busy day, you still enjoy snuggling with your mommy close to nap and bedtimes. You touch my face or rub my arms for security and comfort making sure I am still there. Your smile will melt anyone's heart :)
Daddy's Favorite Thing:
I love how you laughed out loud for the first time with me. I love how we are able to walk outside now that the weather is nice, and how you love being out there with me. I love all of your new expressions and how excited you get when you see me. In the mornings when I'm trying to catch a few extra minutes of sleep you make sure to wake me up by grabbing my face. It's not fun having to leave the room when you are eating at night, but I love how you just want to stare at me and want my attention. Each month I enjoy watching all of your accomplishments and how much you learn and change.
What I've Learned This Month:
** You Really Do Need to Sleep all You Can Before Baby Arrives: This is the first time since Emersyn has been in our lives that I have felt totally sleep deprived. When she was a newborn, I was home with her so could take naps during the day when she napped to make up for the missed sleep at night. Now, she is waking once and sometimes twice a night, and we are both working. I don't think I have seen eight hours of sleep all month (those of you who know me understand how much I love my sleep).
More 5 month pictures!! As you can tell, this girl does not sit still anymore. She was all over the place while we were trying to take the pictures :)
Getting excited for Easter with my bunny outfit on
Enjoying a sunny afternoon with Daddy, Mommy, Mimi, Pappy, Elizabeth, and Matt