Sunday, August 16, 2015

Leap of Faith

I am what you would call a "safe person" who likes things well planned.  I have to make decisions with the end in mind and am not as spontaneous as my husband.  However, close to the end of this past April, I made a decision that was not well planned and the future was pretty blurry.  My safe personality is also scared of situations that are out of my control, so my decision this past April was totally out of my character.  It was not safe, it was not completely planned, and I truly was not in full control of what would happen.  BUT, I felt it was what God was leading me to do.  One of my favorite quotes I came across during my quiet time one day in college describes how I felt.

"Every time you venture out in your life of faith, you will find something in your circumstances that, from a common sense standpoint, will flatly contradict your faith.  But common sense is not faith, and faith is not common sense." ~ Oswald Chambers

From a common sense standpoint what I did was a bit crazy, and I even had family members and friends tell me so, or at least give me looks with raised eye brows :)  

But, I still decided to QUIT MY JOB!   

Since before I even started my teaching career seven years ago, I had a longing in my heart to be a stay at home mama once I had children.  When I started teaching, I fell in love with my job.  Of course there were things that we all dislike as teachers about our jobs, but the children, the teaching, getting to know the families, creating a learning environment in my room, building friendships with co-workers, watching children who could not read become readers... these were the things I worked long hours for and what made me excited to come to work each day.  Once I started investing time into these things, I was nervous and felt somewhat guilty that I may NOT want to be without a job and stay home with my children one day (this was before I had children).  

I was so excited to plan every new unit or theme.  Holidays were so much more fun doing them with first graders, and I LOVED creating fun projects to go along with the topics we were learning about.  I made trips to the public library often to gather arm loads of books that would engage my students and make them love reading.  I'm telling you, it was FUN, challenging, but FUN, and I was getting paid for it at the same time!!

As time passed in my career, the demands of the job became greater, but my students and their families were worth it.  I loved building the relationships with them and watching my first graders grow and learn, so I kept on "trucking."  I have always enjoyed working hard and thrive on being productive.  In the first several years of my teaching career, I stayed many nights until the custodians "kicked me out" so they could lock up around 9pm.  No one asked me to do this or made me do this.  I did it because I was passionate about doing and creating things to help my students learn.  As demands continued to increase each year... my joy was robbed more and more.   I was still having to work long hours, but I was spending time completing tasks that really were not beneficial for my students.  I LOVE TEACHING and always will, but sadly I felt like I had less and less time to teach.  Less and less time to get to know my students, their families, build relationships with them.  

When I found out I was pregnant, I had a torn heart.  Yes, I knew from all I studied in my Early Childhood college classes that more growth happens between birth to three years of age than any other time in a child's life.  I wanted to be the one to help shape my children and mold them during this time.  I wanted to be the one to teach them, give them experiences, love on them, nurture them.   I wanted to quit my job to be there for my biological children, but I was scared.

The summer I was pregnant, I taught summer school for the third summer in a row.  People thought I was crazy for wanting to work that summer instead of kicking my feet up and relaxing during my pregnancy, but summer school was my most favorite teaching time.   I had 10-12 students who were eager to learn, only worked four days a week, and there were rarely any meetings after work!  I told people over and over again that I wish I could teach summer school all the time, year round!!  So, of course, I fell in love with these kids and teaching again that summer... and I did not want to quit teaching.

That October, my little girl was born, and my heart was stretched in a way I never knew it could stretch.  I dreaded going back to work in January and leaving her all day.  She was in great hands with my Mama and Mother-in-Law, but I didn't want to miss anything.  Once I went back to work, I quickly realized that my job was EASIER than being at home all day with a newborn, but I still longed to be with her.  

My husband knew my heart.  He saw the complete "rat race" we were on with me working and raising a newborn.  We simply DID life... we were not enjoying life.  It was one task after another.  We did not know each other, and I really did not know myself.  All the things I once enjoyed (cooking, taking care of a home, going out on dates, reading, exercising, serving at church, spending time with friends and family) I had no desire for any longer, no time for any longer.  

I WAS SIMPLY SURVIVING.  There was no quality of life involved, and the days were passing quickly.

I knew what I wanted to do.  Stay at home.  However it was not that easy.  We had some savings, but Daniel's job offered no insurance and quitting my job would cut our income in half.  We prayed.  We read our Bibles.  We sought advice from wise people who were strong in their faith.  

On the very last possible day I could turn in my teaching contract for the next year... I resigned.  We had no plan for insurance, we truly were going to struggle to make it work on Daniel's income, we had not even sat down together to make a monthly budget (totally out of my Dave Ramsey fan character), but we felt this is where God was leading our family.  We could not see the end or what was ahead, but we knew God sees our whole lives and we placed our family in His hands.  I took a leap of faith and stepped out in obedience.

On my last teacher work day in June, as I was cleaning out seven years worth of teaching materials I had accumulated in my classroom, I came across this paper I had written during my induction class the week before my first year of teaching.  It brought me to tears.

Reading this letter that last day in my classroom, the room that had been my home away from home for seven years, I realized the beauty of following after Christ and allowing Him to write my life story.  Teaching was my first career dream and yes I played school EVERY day after spending seven hours at school as a child, but the paper also revealed that I had a longing for being a mother one day and possibly even owning my own business before this life is over.  

My Empty Classroom

On the way home that last day, of course there were mixed emotions, and still some fear in the back of my mind, but God comforted me with this beautiful rainbow on my drive home.  It reminded me of the first rainbow mentioned in the Bible that represented a covenant between God and Noah where he promised to never destroy the Earth by flood again.  I praised God on that drive home that His promises are always kept, and though I did have fear because I was not sure of what was ahead by leaving my job, I did know that I was stepping out on obedience of what I felt God was calling me to do.  To me this rainbow was  a little sign from Heaven to remind me that God is faithful and would take care of me and my family.  He had a plan for me.  "Many are the plans in a man's heart; but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21

I do not think it was a coincidence at all that when we pulled into our neighborhood on that last day, there was a DOUBLE rainbow at our home, my new job!!  A double promise that God was with me, would uphold me, and guide me through this life change.

All summer I have enjoyed every second with my baby girl and loved every memory we have made.  As my teacher friends and many students prepare to go back to school from the summer tomorrow, I again have mixed emotions.  The "nerd" in me is already missing organizing my classroom, putting together notebooks, color coding my calendar, and preparing for a fresh new group of students to teach, but I know life is but a breath and my little girl will never be young again!!  I will always be a teacher and love teaching... and I may go back to it one day, but for now God has done some amazing things this summer to remind me that I am right where I need to be... at home with my baby girl.  I can't wait to share in my next post how He's been working in our family.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

9 Months Old

How Old: Nine Months
Weight: 16lb 2oz (around the 10th percentile)
Length: 27 in (around the 25th percentile)
Head: 17 1/2 in (around the 60th percentile)
    ** Things have changed a lot :)  Her head has grown over time from the 10th percentile to now the 60th haha!!  And her weight and length percentiles have dropped a bit.  I asked if we should be concerned, and her doctor said that their weight usually slows down at this time.  And as Emersyn was climbing all over me and jumping up and down in my lap... her doctor also said, "I can see she is very active and is probably just burning a lot more calories than she was previously."  Haha!  That's our little girl!!  VERY active and mobile!  
Clothes: She is in 9 months and some 6-9 months dresses.  She seems to always grow out of her jammies first because they have feet in them and she needs extra length.  Her 9 month jammies are beginning to get too small, so we are going shopping for some 12 month ones!!  She is in size 3 diapers.
Sleep: Since I am home with her each day, naptime has been wonderful and very predictable.  She takes a morning nap around 9-9:30ish and an afternoon one around 1:30-2ish.  Both last around 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  She goes to her blankie and paci when she is starting to get sleepy and we go to her room.  I turn on the ocean sound machine, rock her, and within 3-5 minutes she is out.  She has been doing less evening naps, but if she has played extra hard or if she woke earlier than normal, she will sometimes take a third nap around 5 or 6pm for usually less than an hour.  As for nighttime, we had another beach trip for a week this past month, so nighttime was different.  I nursed her several times each night just to keep her from waking others, but it sure did increase my milk supply!!  When we returned home after the 4th of July, it took about a week to get her sleeping through the night again.  THEN... I decided to try to lose weight (which I have tried several other times since she has been born).  And as with the other times, I quickly started shedding pounds and my milk supply went from pumping around 4 ounces a feeding to only 2 ounces.  SO, she is currently waking once a night again to feed to help boost my supply back up.  I guess I will lose weight once I wean her when she turns one.  :/
Food: She is nursing 4-5 times a day and once in the night.  I know my supply is low right now, so I don't mind her nursing in the night.  She is eating three meals of solids (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and does an afternoon snack around 3:30 or so when she wakes from her afternoon nap.  She still does oatmeal for breakfast and dinner and at dinner I mix in extra breast milk that I have pumped right after her morning nursing.  This helps give her extra milk before bedtime.  We are still doing the purees that I make or we use the food pouches you buy at the grocery store if we are going out to eat, shopping, etc.  We have started letting her pick up some foods to feed herself at most feedings.  She LOVES this!!  And she loves being independent.  Sometimes she will not eat from the spoon unless I have food on her highchair table for her to self feed.  Some foods we have cut into tiny pieces to let her pick up to feed herself are: peaches, bananas, bread, cucumber, avocado, cooked broccoli stems, green beans, watermelon, cantaloupe, and of course she loves "puffs" and Plum teething biscuits.  I am excited for her 9 month doctor appointment because I want to ask about adding meats and things such as cheese, yogurt, and other finger foods.  Here is her typical schedule now give or take 30 minutes.
6:30 Wake/Nurse
7:30 Oatmeal/Fruit/Water
9:00 - 11:00 Nap
11:00 Nurse
12:00 Starch/Pick up Food/Water
1:30 - 3:30 Nap
3:30 Nurse/Snack (teething biscuit/water)
6:00 Nurse
6:30 Oatmeal/Veggie/Pick up Food/Water
8:00 Nurse/Bedtime
1:00ish Nighttime Nurse
Emersyn's Firsts: 
- Words: Dada (said it the first time on the beach), Hey, Bye Bye Bye, Uh-oh.  She said Mama back in May but doesn't hardly say it much anymore.  She says dadadadadada ALL DAY LONG!!!
- Uses fingers to pick foods and put in her mouth (we started with puffs)
- Plays peek-a-boo using her blankie!!  She LOVES this game and it is adorable!  She will also do it now using anything she can put over her face, even her sweet little arm and hands.
- Open drawers and cabinets (not necessarily a good thing ha!!)
- Manage to get out of the straps in her Rock n' Play: it's now gone in the closet
- Take steps while we hold her hand
- Take steps while pushing things with wheels
- Climbing over things and people 
- Teeth: we now have 5 teeth!!  She went from one last month to 5 this month :)  Three on the top and two on the bottom.
- Give kisses... and I mean on the LIPS!  It is adorable because she gives her daddy and me one every morning first thing, but I worry about germs when she gives them to everyone who holds her lol!!  She's loving!
- She still loves to wave at everyone we see... she is a very friendly little girl.  It was so adorable when we got back from being gone from our trip for 12 days, I was rocking her before bedtime and she looked over in her little rocking chair and saw her teddy bear and took a big deep breath and started waving at it.  Then she started waving at everything in her room.  I could tell she was glad to be home :)
Emersyn Loves: Children, crawling around the floor, pulling up on everything, feeling new textures, going for stroller rides, swinging in her swing outside, wind blowing in her face, being sung to, Baby TV and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, chewing on everything, playing with kitchen things (Tupperware, spatulas, measuring cups), playing in the water, when we play peek a boo with her, eating solids, picking up food with her hands to eat, her blankie and paci when she's tired, golf cart, pulling her hair bows out :/, eating her shoes, playing with our faces when she's laying in the bed with us, giving kisses
Emersyn Dislikes: her face being washed, hair being washed, when we take away things from her that she isn't supposed to have, being hot, taking her vitamin D drops, when we say "no"...., when we put bows in her hair!!  I am at a loss on this one :(  It is a daily battle... any tips on how to keep hair bows in??!!
Emersyn is Learning to: Use new words, walk while pushing toys, play peek-a-boo, chew pieces of food instead of purees only, raise her hands up when I say "hands up" for high chair table to be put on, open anything and everything, wash her high chair with a wash cloth when I sing the "clean up" song, give kisses, wave to everyone
Mommy's Favorite Thing: You keep stealing my heart more and more every month.  I always think I cannot love you any more, and then you go and do something new and adorable and it just explodes!!  Sometimes when I am laying in bed after putting you to bed, I wonder how it is possible to have so much love for such a little girl.  It hurts my heart sometimes I love you so much... but in a good way :)  This month you have made me melt when you use those precious little hands to cover your eyes when you play peek a boo with us!!  You also greet me every morning with a wet kiss and will turn my face to you if I forget to let you give me one.  Although you make some days exhausting, life is more fun with you than I ever imagined it would be!!
Daddy's Favorite Thing: Daddy says, "I love when we were at the beach and you said: "Da Da" for the first time.  When I leave for work you are waving bye bye to me and are so sweet when I get home.  I love our outside time and all of the new adventures and experiences we have had together."
What I've Learned This Month:
** Routine Takes Time:  I will be honest, the first few weeks once school was out, and I was with Emersyn all day long I was wondering how I would make it through the weeks.  I seriously would watch the clock starting around 3:30 waiting for Daniel to walk through the door to give me a break.  And if he called to say he was going to be late I would go crazy haha!!  Not that I don't love my baby girl and spending time with her, but she is much more demanding than my job with first graders :)  Looking back, I thought she had just gotten easier, but I actually think we have adjusted to a new normal.  After being home with her for 2 months now, we have developed a nice schedule that is typically pretty predictable.  I know when is best for her to sleep, eat, and when is best for me to get ready each day, do chores, etc.  We also have gotten in the habit of trying to have one activity on most days whether it is going to the library for story time, going swimming with a friend, or visiting family, it really helps to plan to get out of the house on the majority of the days.  Emersyn LOVES going places and gets excited when she sees me packing the diaper bag or getting the car seat ready.  Now, on the days when she is not with me it is hard to know what to do :)

McDowell Family Beach Trip
Unfortunately these are not in any order of the week :)
 Murrells Inlet after dinner

 Playing in the sand with Emma

 Playing with Daddy and Matt

 Matt was dying for crab legs all week, so Daniel bought him some and cooked them for dinner 

 Our nieces, Addison and Emma

 Last morning at the beach... out attempt to take some family pictures :)


 4th of July baby

 Gran Gran and Papa with all the grandkids

 Proud to be an American!!

 On a mission

 Stopping to eat some sand :/


 Best part of the trip!!  Snuggles with mama :)

 Loving my pool!!  It was a lifesaver at the beach!!!

 Playing in the sand

 Emersyn's aunties

 Loving on Aunt Liz

 Curious George inspecting the seashell

 Addison and Emersyn

 Inlet view

 Daniel's sister Jennifer and her crew
 Daniel's sister Elizabeth and son Matt

 Daniel's parents

 Snoozing on the beach

 All the boys in green

 McDowell family and a few friends

 Pretty Emma

 Daniel with sisters and parents

 Out to dinner

 Practicing her wave

 Playing with Matt

 Eating watermelon on the beach!!

 Sisters :)


 Loving on Aunt Jenn

 Messy Emersyn!!

Lake Greenwood for 4th of July
We left the beach and headed straight to the lake for the 4th of July weekend!

 Emersyn's first boat ride!!  She loved it and did not complain about wearing her life jacket.  She actually took a nap every time we got on the boat :)  Relaxing!

 All the boats waiting on the fireworks show

 Emmie slept straight through the fireworks even though they were very loud.

Sitting with the captain!  She kept trying to take over the wheel!!

Gran Gran's 60th Birthday

 Emersyn managed to stick her foot and both hands into the cake!!  I don't think we will have a problem getting her to eat her first cake at her birthday!!

Lilly Came Over for a Cookout!

 Abigail's 1st Birthday

Storytime at the Library with my Friends

 Playing with Abigail

 She loves playing with the new toys at the library after story time.

 Playing with her friend Lilly!!

 Tried to get a picture with Emersyn's completed summer reading log but she wouldn't stay still!!

 Emersyn's name on the board for the summer reading program