Saturday, August 27, 2016

21 Months Old

How Old: Twenty-one Months
Teeth: 16 
Clothes: She is wearing 18-24 month clothing and some 2Ts.  She is in size 4 diapers which we hope to potty train after our last vacation in SeptemberShoes are 6 1/2 to 7s.
Sleep: It's been great!!  She sleeps around 11 hours at night and naps for 2-3 hours during the afternoon.  She loves having her crib full now!!  Before she will settle she needs: bear, 2 babies, blankie (holds and rubs the tag part), paci, socks on her feet, sound machine and music on.  She's not particular at all ;)  Before bed at nighttime, we do bath, brush teeth, read a book, read Bible story, and say prayers.  She has begun asking to pray for certain people or things.  It's so sweet!!!  One night she said, "Mama pray socks tag."  So I had to thank God for her socks and the tag on her blanket :)
Food: This past month her favorite foods have been: grapes, cheeses, pastas, dishes using hamburger meat, shrimp, green beans, bacon, blueberries, and peanut butter foods.
                                                Her schedule give or take 30 minutes. 
7:00 Wake/Milk
8:00 Breakfast
9:30 Snack
11:30 Lunch
3:00 Snack
5:30 Dinner
7:30 Bath/Stories/Bedtime
Emersyn's Highlights:
- She is putting 2 and 3 words together to communicate with us and can identify too many objects to count.
- Her favorite color is purple or orange (daddy has taught her this!)  She wants a purple bow in her hair every morning when she gets out of her crib!!
- She is doing much better sitting during story time at the library.  She has always had the moving and dancing time down pat!!
- When we read to her at home, she will help us say the words on books she has read over and over.  She has memorized many of the parts.
- She is obsessed with babies!!  If we are out and she sees a stroller, carrier, or anything that has to do with a baby she immediately forgets what she is doing and heads to see the baby.  Many new moms are not fond of children being around their babies, so I tell her often to just wave, no touch :)
-  She worked 3 puzzles in one sitting this past month.  Puzzles have not been her thing previously.  She would get angry when she could not get them in the "hole" on the first try.  I continue to encourage her to try again, and it finally paid off this time :)  She was SO proud of herself!!
- She is still a great helper around the house and wants to mimic the cleaning and picking up that I do.  She continues to tell her daddy to pick up his clothes or shoes if they are on the floor... Mommy's little helper haha!
- She loves picking up rocks and collecting them or throwing them in the lake/water.  At the beach, she loved collecting shells too.
- We are still attached to the paci and blankie!!  She's sleeping great, so I'm not even going to fight that battle.  I try to keep them away except for nap, bedtime, and car rides. 
- She is getting better at sharing and taking turns with her friends.  I always remind her how to be a good friend before we get around other children and for the most part she is doing well with gentle reminders.

Emersyn Loves: She is obsessed with the Chicken Dance Song, loves reading, playing outside, swinging and sliding, being around friends and family, role playing with her babies, role playing in her kitchen area, drawing on paper, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, going places like church/library/Stroller Rollers, praying for her cousins and family, rocks, helping with the pillows to make the bed each morning, ice, books
Emersyn Dislikes: Brushing teeth is still one of her least favorite times as well as washing her face.  She also has been anxious about things being hot this summer (slides, car seat, side walks, food, etc) so she is very cautious. 
Emersyn is Learning to: put multiple words together, buckle and unbuckle things, count to 10 (she can make it to 6), match some letters with people's names, share and take turns, say "sorry" if she makes a bad choice, take shirt/pants/socks/shoes on and off, pretend play, identify some colors, make friends by waving at them and blowing kisses

4th of July Weekend at Lake

 Playing with Pappy

 Making memories with grandparents

 Swimming in the lake like a big girl!!

 Sitting on the back of the boat

 Some of the most beautiful sunsets are at the end of our cove

 Running through the sprinklers

 Me and my honey watching the sunset

 Playing in her pool

 Happy 4th!!

 Blessed beyond measure

 Mimi and Pappy

 She loves helping Pappy drive... and blowing the horn and whistle

 Boat naps are the best with Mimi!!

 Eating an icee from Skipper's landing

 Smiling and loving the lake life

 Throwing rocks in the lake with daddy

 She knows how to make Mimi relax... well for about 5 minutes ;)

4th of July at Gran Gran and Papa's
 Swinging with cousin Addison

 My little family on the 4th

 Cornhole and BBQ
 Daniel and Matt

 Aunt Elizabeth taking the girls to find the Moo Cows

 Game on!

Grandma Shirley and Papa Lloyd
 Daddy and my brother Clay

 Aunt Elizabeth and Lee

 Loving on her men

 Posing at the lake

 After dinner we drove to Lake Bowen for fireworks

 Tailgate sitting with cousin Matt

 Aunt Jenn Jenn and the girls

 Emersyn's Great Great Aunt Jessie

 Aunt Jenn Jenn and Britt

 Cousin Matt watching the boats go by

 Waiting on fireworks

 Me and my girl

 Looking at fireworks with daddy

 She got into my mascara one morning...

 Cleveland Park fun with Lilly

 Sweet friends

 Hand holding

 Emersyn went to her first movie, "Peanuts."  She went with her cousin Drew and his mama (GiGi).  She lasted 50 minutes, which I thought was pretty good for a one year old.  The movie was only $1 so it was not wasted and a fun experience!!
 We had breakfast one morning with Emersyn's friend Abigail and her parents at Strawberry Hill.  

 Rocking beauties

 She was scared of the tractor at first, but then got brave enough to get on and practice driving.

 We go to a group called "Stroller Rollers" MWF when we can.  It's a mommy and me exercise group and once a month they celebrate all the children's birthdays in that month.  Emersyn is enjoying a cupcake from her July birthday friends!!

 Lilly came to our house to play :)

 Poor Lilly, Emersyn is after her with the nose spray and boogie sucker haha!!