Teeth: 16
Clothes: She is wearing mostly 24 month and 2T clothing. She can still do some 18 month dresses. I have been buying 2T for her new fall clothes. She is in size 4 diapers and 6 1/2 or 7 shoes.
Sleep: She is doing fantastic with sleep and is very predictable as long as I stay on her schedule. Night time is usually 8pm - 7am and nap 12-2:30 or 3. If she does get off of her schedule (which typically happens on Sundays due to church/lunch) she is more whiny and irritable.
Food: This past month her favorite foods have been: pastas, cheeses, kiwi, apple sauce pouches, avocado, rice, and she has a sweet tooth for ice cream/freeze pops/cake/cookies ;)
Her schedule give or take 30 minutes.
7:00 Wake/Milk
8:00 Breakfast
9:30 Snack
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Nap
3:00 Snack
5:30 Dinner
8:00 Bath/Stories/Bedtime
- Her vocabulary has been exploding and she loves to copy what we say. Some of her common sayings are: "Ah man," "Ese do it," "Exercise clothes," "Daddy sit," "Just one" (when asking to watch one Mickey Mouse episode), "Daddy pick up" (when telling her daddy to pick up his shoes or clothes haha), "Mama run get" (when telling me to get something for her fast).
Emersyn's Highlights:
- She is really good at saying thank you when someone gives her something and we are working on consistently saying please without reminders when asking for something.
- She enjoys sitting in her room looking at books independently for longer periods of time.
- We bought her a puddle jumper float for the pool, and she does really well with it kicking her feet and arms to get where she wants to go.
- She also slid down the slide and jumped off the diving board this past month at Mimi and Pappy's house (with assistance of course). She initiated it herself though.
- She loves taking care of her babies: dressing them, covering them up in their bed, changing their diapers, giving them a bottle or paci, and she will sing "Rock baby" to them for Rock a Bye Baby.
- She enjoys everything outdoors especially picking flowers or vegetables in the garden. She has been known to eat 8-10 grape tomatoes in one sitting before bringing her pickings in for me to wash!!
- She is so sweet saying her prayers before meals or bedtime. She wants to pray for others often and sometimes in the middle of our day she will say, "Mama pray." We will stop what we are doing and pray for whoever or whatever she asks me to pray for... Melts my heart!!
- She will also say "I You" for "I love you" to us sometimes. Again, melts my heart!!
- She has become a little obsessed with exercise :) She comes with me to "Stroller Rollers" where moms bring their children to exercise with them. She has picked up so much of what we do and loves to practice her exercises at home!!
Emersyn Loves: putting on chapstick and deodorant, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, playing with baby dolls, playing in her kitchen, pretending to go grocery shopping with her play car and shopping cart, swinging, playing with water, visiting friends and family, her home, wearing socks when it's bedtime, her paci and blankie, music, mimicking what her daddy and I do around the house, exercising
Emersyn Dislikes: she sometimes fights us to brush her teeth, nervous about the sound of daddy's weed-eater/blower/lawnmower when she's outside and wants to be held if they are running
Emersyn is Learning to: speak short sentences, explain her emotions more (hurt, happy, sad, mad, etc), identify some of her colors, count to 10 (1-6 she can do but working on to 10), relate letters to words or names, put on and take off clothing and shoes, follow directions and say sorry when she doesn't, share and take turns, help around the house. She is really becoming more and more of a little girl each day right before our eyes!! She is growing up SO fast!!!
College Roommates' Beach Trip
We had a wonderful beach weekend with my 3 college roommates, their husbands, and our children. Life sure has changed since we graduated college, and it is such a blessing to still be close and enjoy this new stage of life together. We had 5 babies 2 and under in one condo with an extra one on the way!!
Daniel, Emersyn, Grace (2), Charlotte (1), and Brantley
Matt with new baby Elizabeth who was born on Mother's Day in May.
Emersyn swimming like a fish!!
Me and my girl!!
Jason with baby Gabriel.
Go Emersyn go!
Kathryn and baby Elizabeth
Emersyn trying out Grace's shoes... She has always loved shoes!!
Sweet Charlotte (6 week older than Emersyn)
Emersyn found a rock pile at the pool!! She loves picking up rocks!
Charlotte, Grace, and Emersyn... all of our first borns were girls :)
Emersyn helping Charlotte with her pouch... always wanting to be the "little mommy."
Attempting to get a group baby picture... missing Charlotte: Emersyn, Grace, Gabe, and Elizabeth
Pretty Grace
She is tired of pictures
Easy going baby Gabe... he was the only baby boy. Thankfully baby Jack arrived in August 31st, so he now has another one on his team.
Sweet friends watching Mickey Mouse
Emersyn LOVES babies!! Loving on baby Gabe.
Sharing her most prized possession with baby Gabe... her blankie
We tried to have a day at the beach, but we were there the last weekend in July. The heat index that Saturday was 108, plus there were lots of jelly fish stings going on around so we only visited the beach for an hour. The pool was our best bet.
Emersyn and Charlotte
My poor husband lol!! He looks like the typical beach dad :) If only we had known it was so hot and miserable with no breeze... I would have only packed for one hour instead of the whole day!!
Collecting rocks again
Holding their babies
Summer Reading Program
Turning in her summer reading log at the library. She was so proud!!
Waiting patiently in line
Handing the lady behind the desk her completed log. Such a big girl!!
Playing with Harper after exercise time at Stroller Rollers. It was Harper's 1st birthday that day!!
Having fun at Gran Gran and Papa's house playing with cousins Emma and Addison
Going to look for ducks with Pappy after eating at Lake Bowen Fish Camp
Sliding at library
Cousin Emma and Emersyn sliding together
We had fun watching Emmie's friend Harper at her 1st Birthday!!
Daniel and Emersyn at Harper's party
Mimi, Emersyn, and I went with our church to Ship Wreck Cove (water park). Emersyn had a ball!!
Emersyn and her friend Katherine
The water park also had a neat playground
Sweet girl posing in the backyard
We met my friend Brantley and her little girl Charlotte at the Upcountry Museum in Greenville for the girls to explore a children's book theme exhibit. It was really neat!!
Charlotte and Emersyn stirring together
This was an exhibit from "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." Emersyn and I had made homemade chocolate chip cookies together a few weeks earlier. In this exhibit, they had pretend food to put into the pot and stir. Emersyn could not understand why there was not an egg in the exhibit because she remembered that we put eggs in our cookies we made, haha! It was pretty funny watching her mind work and her digging for an egg.
We went to Strawberry Hill for Emersyn's Great Great Aunt Jessie's birthday. I failed to get a picture of her with Jessie... just the tractor.
We also celebrated MamaDoris' birthday that same day (Emersyn's Great Grandma). This is my mama and her mama (MamaDoris).
Enjoying a freeze pop after naptime
Another fun day at Stroller Rollers!! We had cupcakes to celebrate the August birthdays!
Harper and Emersyn, neighborhood and Stroller Roller buds
We were able to see my friend Diana and her family briefly one evening. Her daughter Everly and Emersyn have not seen each other in almost a year and they immediately were like best friends. It was so precious!! Wish they lived closer!!
And they even both love their pacis!!
Emersyn loves "cutting grass" like daddy
And wearing high heels like mommy :)
Celebrating Aunt Jessie's birthday!!
And there goes Emersyn... Not sure we have celebrated a family birthday where she has not dug into the icing before the cutting!! I love her two older cousins are laughing at her.
She finally got a piece of her own :)