Tuesday, May 16, 2017

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks
Baby size: Acorn Squash, 2.22 lb, 14.80 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: This past Wednesday, I had a doctor's appointment and have gained 18 pounds!!  I was hoping to gain 25 or under... we will see!
Maternity clothes? Yes! 
Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Still falling asleep very easily at night but wake several times to readjust sleeping positions.  I did have a few sleepless nights again this week.  I'm not sure if it is just third trimester insomnia or if I have so much on my mind of things that need to be done before baby arrives.
Best moment this week:
Being able to see our baby boy this past Wednesday at our ultrasound appointment.  The ultrasound tech said heart, lungs, kidneys, etc looked great!  Wonderful praise report : )   He does still have one of the bilateral cysts on the right side of his brain.  The good news is it has not grown since my 20 week ultrasound, but we were hoping it would be gone by now.  The PA we saw reassured us that she felt it was totally fine since there were no other "markers" of issues.  There is less than a 1% chance that he could have Downs Syndrome or Trisomy 18, so we continue to pray and trust.  She said if the cyst had grown, I would have needed to return to Maternal Fetal Medicine for my 32 week ultrasound, but since it has not, I will return to my regular OB office for the next ultrasound.  He weighed 2 pounds 12 oz which puts him in the 29%ile for weight.  I think he has my brother's forehead, can't figure out whose nose, and those are Daniel's feet for sure (see pictures below).  His heart rate has been in the 130s every visit but was in the 140s this time, which they said was great.  Unfortunately, he is currently breech, but we are praying he will turn in the next few weeks.  Our sonogramer said I had plenty of fluid for him to move around still, and he's small so hopefully he will get in correct position soon.  I will have appointments every two weeks now...  the reality is setting in that it's getting close!!  I also had to get a shot at this appointment for my RH- blood type.
A few other highlights this week: We had a yard sale and were able to get rid of some things and make a little extra money!  My dad, Daniel, and my dad's workers put out fresh bark around our house and Daniel and Emersyn planted all of our annuals :)  And we went to Rock Hill last Wednesday to pick up a used glider and ottoman for baby's room.  Now all I need to find is a rug and we should be set on the "big" things for his room. 
Miss Anything? Speed!!
Movement: When I lay down, we can see him moving my belly :)  He especially loves to move when I take a bath... I guess because I am so relaxed.

Food cravings: Someone gave us fresh tomatoes this week and they have been delicious on my sandwiches!!  I am also still enjoying multi grain Cheerios with fresh strawberries as well as slaw, cantaloupe, ice cream.  Some of my favorites from this past week were mama's fresh corn off the cob, the fried chicken at our church's homecoming dinner, and the cheeseburger I ate from Pete's and from Strawberry Hill (guess I've been craving cheeseburgers this week).
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still prefer "real" food over desserts.  Staying away from Chick Fil A's fried foods (fries, fried chicken, etc).  I think the oil they use may get to me because I can eat other friend chicken strips.  
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a Boy!!
Symptoms: Sitting up is getting harder and more painful over time.  It feels much better to stand or lay down.  I guess things are getting very crowded in there especially since I am so short waisted.  My calves are so heavy and swollen by evening and my belly is twice the size by night than first thing in the morning.  Still battle throat burn and heart burn here and there, mostly in the afternoon/evenings.  
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: We are taking Emersyn to a sibling class this Thursday at our local hospital.  She is all into changing her baby dolls diapers and feeding them bottles, so I am sure she is going to really enjoy going.  That evening, Daniel and I are going to a breastfeeding class too.  Even though I nursed Emersyn until she was one... I want a refresher course because I know every child is different.  

 For some reason these pictures refused to turn for me, sorry!!  This is baby Brayden at 28 weeks and 6 days.

 Totally Daniel and Emersyn's foot!!  I am going to be living with 3 people whose second toe is longer than the first ;)

Emersyn loved getting dirty with her daddy!!

Emersyn loves helping me load and unload the dishwasher.  I always lay all the forks/spoons/straws/etc out for her to put in by herself.  I had to take a picture one morning last week when I went to unload the dishes.  She had sorted all the spoons, straws, her utensils, and the forks and even put the forks and spoons in a straight row.  Love it!!  I sent a picture to Daniel and he said, "My child is OCD, her poor husband." Haha!!

Water table fun!!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

28 Weeks - 3rd Trimester!!

How far along? 28 weeks
Baby size: Eggplant, 2.22 lb, 14.80 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: As of my last doctor's appointment I have gained 14 pounds.  I go back to the doctor this Wednesday and hopefully I will not have gained much!!
Maternity clothes? Yes!  I really need to find some maternity shorts.  When I went maternity shopping back in March the shorts were not really out yet.
Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: It has been okay... I had two nights in a row where I was up at 2:30 or 3am and could not go back to sleep for the rest of the night.  Very frustrating!!  I still go to sleep very easily at night though.
Best moment this week:
Daniel worked all day Saturday in the yard spraying weeds and cutting bushes to get ready for our new bark and annuals.  I went with mama on Thursday to pick up our plants for the yard.  Bark is coming this weekend and we will also plant :)  I love getting our yard ready for the summer, and I love the look of green grass and fresh black mulch.  Daniel and I both had I guess what you would call stomach bug from Friday until Tuesday :/  This is the THIRD time I have had stomach bug this pregnancy!!!  We were able to still do things and function in between trips to the bathroom Friday and Saturday... but Sunday afternoon it hit me.  I started getting pretty weak and took a nap during Emersyn's nap time.  She decided to take a super long 4 hour nap Sunday afternoon... she's so sweet to her mama :)  I was weak all day Monday and had to nap again during her nap time.  By Tuesday evening I was feeling better.  NO MORE STOMACH BUG FOR THIS FAMILY PLEASE!!!
Miss Anything?  Breathing easily.  I am running short on breath these days, especially when a lot of bending over is involved (exercising or picking up toys all over the house).
Movement: Oh yes!!  He's still a flipper especially when I am laying down.

Food cravings: When we went to get plants in Shelby, I had to stop at Bridges BBQ for one of their yummy sandwiches.  While sick I tried to eat plain toast and bland things, but after  a few meals it did not help, so I went back to my cereal and strawberries craving.  I have also been enjoying turkey and tomato sandwiches.  I'm SO thankful tomatoes do not bother me with this pregnancy like they did with Emersyn.
Anything making you queasy or sick: We honestly did not cook for most of the week because we were both sickly, so we lived on cereal, sandwiches, and snacks.  I did make a Totino's pizza one night because I used to like them growing up at home, but it was disgusting to say the least to me now!!  Guess my taste buds have changed.  The make your own pizza packages from Costco are MUCH better.
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a BOY!!
Symptoms: A few sleepless nights, swelling/bloating at night, a few veins in my legs are more noticeable than normal, shortness of breath, heartburn here and there, have to eat throughout the day to avoid throat burn, and my husband says I snore more... I haven't heard it though ;)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: We get to see our Brayden next Wednesday!!  It has been 8 weeks since I have had an ultrasound, so I am more than ready to see what little brother looks like theses days and how he is measuring. 

 Sweet girl before church on Sunday

 Showing daddy her new haircut!!  She had to put on her tennis shoes because she wanted to help daddy work in the yard.

Napping with mama on Sunday afternoon
 Daniel and I both felt pretty terrible Monday after he got off work... so we decided to take Emmie to the library to pick out a Disney movie to watch along with Chick Fil A for her.  You can tell mama doesn't feel good!!  I let her go IN to the library looking like this: pjs, stickers from head to toe, and black patent leather church shoes (she picked them out). Haha!

 Monday while I was home with Emersyn all day, I did not feel good enough to enforce some of our normal rules... so she emptied the paper products cabinet.   She said she was having a party and had to set the table ;)

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

27 Weeks

How far along? 27 weeks
Baby size: Papaya, 1.93 lb, 14.41 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: As of my last doctor's appointment I have gained 14 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? Nope.

Sleep: I am still falling asleep easily but waking several times a night to adjust the way I am laying.  I can usually fall back to sleep pretty quickly. 
Best moment this week:
Daniel and I spent the weekend in Hilton Head for a little "babymoon."  The weather was PERFECT in the low 80s each day, and I scored a super deal on the hotel through Priceline.  I have never used the bidding part of it before, and I will admit, I was pretty anxious about which hotel we would be given.  We stayed at the Omni Oceanfront and it was wonderful!!  I was also anxious about being away from Emersyn for two nights, but she did wonderful at Mimi and Pappy's house.  She had them take her to the Fish Camp Friday night for shrimp haha, then Chick Fil A for lunch on Saturday, and church on Sunday.  Of course we missed her terribly, but it was nice to lay on the beach, have plenty of uninterrupted talking time, and stay out past her bedtime :)  Of course we were still back at the hotel by around 9pm each night for my bedtime!!  God definitely blessed us with a wonderful, safe trip.
Miss Anything?  Truly enjoying food.  While we were in Hilton Head, I had Daniel pick everywhere we ate because food is truly not special to me right now.  I eat because it's meal time... not because I really am wanting something.  My best meal there was probably the Oreo ice cream I got one night!!  I am typically a seafood queen, but even the seafood meals I ordered did not thrill me.
Movement: Oh yes!!  He is very active now especially when I am laying down, taking a bath, or after I have eaten certain foods.

Food cravings: G2 blue Gatorade, ice cream, cole slaw, and on the way home from our trip I was CRAVING a cheeseburger with loads of pickles from Five Guys.  We stopped at the Columbia Mall exit and IT WAS CLOSED FOR REMODELING.  Talk about a disappointment.  Also, while on our trip, we had all of this "wonderfully, delicious food"... but I could not wait to get home to have a bowl of Frosted Flakes with fresh strawberries.  This baby boy loves his cereal.  I also really wanted pizza while on our trip, but Daniel didn't feel the same way ;)  
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been having more throat burn lately.  It usually begins around 4ish in the afternoon.  Once I started feeling better, I went back to 3 meals a day and cut out my morning and afternoon snacksThe burning is better when I eat, so I am thinking baby/my body is needing an afternoon snack again.  Daniel also read that the baby grows 1 inch this week; the most he will ever grow in one week over his entire life.  That could have something to do with my throat being on fire in the afternoons...
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a BOY!!
Symptoms: Heavy calves at night and they swell as the day goes on, throat burn, bloating at night, beginning to get harder and harder to bend over, and Braxton Hicks contractions especially when working out or doing a lot of physical work around the house.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On, although while at the beach I did not wear them.  I think the heat made my fingers swell worse than at home.
Looking forward to: Our week goals are to have a yard sale, put out new bark, and plant all of our annuals.  We are trying to gradually do things each week to prepare for Brayden and adjust our home from a family of three to a family of four.

Babymoon to Hilton Head