Tuesday, August 19, 2014

31 Weeks - First Baby Shower

How far along? 31 weeks
Baby size: Pineapple, 3.31 lb, 16.18 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: As of the last appointment I have gained 20 pounds. 
Maternity clothes? Yes!  The only non-maternity clothes that I can pull off now are dresses and stretchy skirts.  Most of my normal shirts are getting too short to wear, so I wanted to go shopping for more maternity shirts to wear to work.  I've said it before, but there are just slim pickins out there in the maternity clothing world.  I shopped for close to 3 hours in Greenville and came home with ONE shirt, ONE.  Do you know how much damage I can do in 3 hours when I am shopping for normal non-maternity clothes?  
Stretch marks? Nope, praying they stay away the whole time!

Sleep: This was my first week back to work for staff development days, so I have been pretty tired and sleeping through the night.  We had "Meet the Teacher" Wednesday night and I got home after 7pm.  When I woke up Thursday morning I told Daniel that I did not even wake up once to turn or if I did turn it did not wake me up.  I was exhausted!!  Saturday night was a different story.  I had pretty bad heart burn after eating dinner Saturday night and went to bed still not feeling good.  I had taken 4 Tums, but they didn't seem to be helping.  I woke up at midnight in terrible pain through the middle of my belly around my belly button and continued to cramp until about 3am when I finally fell asleep on the couch.  I did make it to Sunday School the next day, but went and took a nap at my parents house while Daniel and my parents were in preaching.
Best moment this week:
I enjoyed meeting all of my students and their families on Wednesday and getting everything ready (as much as I could) for the first day of school with kids.  We were also blessed with a wonderful baby shower on Sunday afternoon given by Daniel's sisters and mama.  We got a lot of cute and much needed items for our baby girl.  You can see some of the pictures below.
Miss Anything? Not having to set an alarm clock.
Movement: She was very active when I was sitting in meetings all week.  It was pretty entertaining to look down and see her moving my belly : ) 

Food cravings: Still loving fresh peaches during this peach season.  Saturday morning, Daniel and I had a late breakfast date at Strawberry Hill when he got off of work.  The peach pancakes were delicious!!  The gravy biscuit, eggs, and hash browns I ordered were too.  I also craved white rice Sunday night because I felt like it may ease the cramping in my stomach.  It did help me sleep through the night!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I am not sure what caused the extreme cramping that lasted for over 24 hours, but I did drink some of Daniel's Mountain Dew Saturday at Costco because I was so thirsty, and I rarely ever drink soft drinks.  Even when I am not pregnant they are rough on my stomach and give me indigestion, so it could have been part of the problem.  After having the heartburn and cramping so bad Saturday night and Sunday, I was really scared to eat much of anything all day Sunday which was really sad because we went to Momom's for Sunday lunch.  I stuck to mostly starches like potatoes, biscuits, and mac and cheese.  She had so many other delicious casseroles and one of my favorites, sausage balls, but I was afraid that eating them would make me feel worse. 
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a Girl!!
Symptoms: My legs and feet have been swelling pretty bad this week.  I think the long periods of sitting in meetings with my feet hanging down have not been good for them.  Friday was pretty bad because we had a meeting from 8am - 3pm with my legs hanging down.  This is the worse they have swollen in the whole pregnancy.  Saturday late afternoon, I sat with them elevated pretty high for a few hours to try to help, and the same thing happened as when I elevated them from the beach trip.  I had to pee like every 45 minutes.  Then Saturday night, from midnight until 6am I used the bathroom 5 times!!  I guess all that fluid had to go somewhere--just glad it got out of my feet for the most part.

Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Getting to know my new students this week, celebrating my brother moving into his new home Saturday night with a house warming party, going to Monica's first baby shower Saturday afternoon, and having a baby shower for our girl Sunday at my mama's friend, Dawn's, home.  Fun weekend to look forward to!!

 Daniel and I with the hostesses of the baby shower.

 Fruit baby that my creative mother-in-law made :)

 Mama and Daddy to be!!

 Yummy food and presents

 Daniel's mama and me

 My two mothers and baby girl's grandmas - Gran Gran on the left and Mimi on the right.

 The Jones family plus Daniel : )

 Mama and Daddy trying to decide the baby's birth date, weight, and length.

 Excited about receiving a Vitamix blender from Daniel's parents.  Planning to TRY to make our own baby food with things from Daniel's garden.  Any tips are welcome!!

 Monogrammed baby blanket in her nursery colors: pink and green!

 Baby Genius videos and cds from baby's Uncle Craig and Aunt Kim!

 Two pack and plays haha!!  My parents and Daniel's sister Jennifer bought the exact same gift AND wrapped it in the exact same paper.  This seems to happen a lot with our families : )  For one of our wedding showers, Daniel's parents and my parents bought us a set of pots and pans.  Then for our lawn and garden shower, my parents and Daniel's grandparents both bought us a blower.  We are doubly blessed!!

Thankful for all the gifts our little girl received! 

Brother looks like he is having so much fun lol!!  He and daddy couldn't seem to understand why men were invited to the shower : )

 Toilet paper game!!  Everyone tore off the amount of toilet paper they thought it would take to wrap around my belly.

 Daddy and Matt (Daniel's nephew) discussing how much to tear off.

 Looks like everyone is having fun with this game!

 Matt was only ONE square off!!  

 My father-in-law was multiple squares off!!  Should I be offended?  Haha!

 Daniel's Grandma Shirley measuring.

 Daniel's sister, Jennifer was close too!

But the winner was my daddy.  He got it exactly!!  He seems to be smiling pretty big to be complaining so much about having to come to a baby shower.  I think he may have actually had some fun : )

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