Monday, September 29, 2014

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks
Baby size: Winter Melon, 6.30 lb, 19.13 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: I went to the doctor today and have gained 29 pounds.  I don't want to see the 30 pound mark!!
Maternity clothes? Yes!  I am hoping my one pair of black maternity pants and khaki capris will last me at work until delivery.  I bought a pair of maternity jeans but have only worn them once since I can't wear them to work, and on the weekends I only want to wear gym clothes.
Stretch marks? No 

Sleep: Sleep was bad for most of the week.  Monday, I was up at 2am and couldn't fall back to sleep.  Tuesday, Daniel had to referee games so since I was home alone I decided to go to bed at 7pm to catch up from the sleep I lost Monday.  I was sleeping so good until the doorbell started to ring at 10pm.  I was not about to answer the door that late home alone.  Then my phone rang and it was Daniel.  He said to come to the door with his spare set of truck keys because someone at the gym had picked up his regular keys.  He had called my cell phone 8 times before ringing the doorbell, and I did not hear it once (the phone was laying right beside me on the night stand).  Once I realized what had happened, I could not fall back asleep because I was worried that someone I did not know had Daniel's truck keys, my car keys, and our house keys!!  At midnight I finally got up and ate a bowl of cereal to try to calm me.  I think I was back to sleep by 1:30.  Wednesday, I woke up several times unable to go right back to sleep, and finally Thursday night I slept my first full night but of course I had early morning duty Friday morning so my sleep was cut short again. 
Best moment this week:
We were able to check some other things off of our list.  I got all of her clothes and blankets washed, hung, and folded with the help of my mama.  We also worked some more in the nursery and I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.  We got her car seat installed with the help of my cousins Rick and Jeanne.  They have 3 boys so they are experts on this by now :)   But today was the best moment.  I had a doctor's appointment, and our favorite ultra sound tech told Daniel at the game he refereed Tuesday night that she would try to sneak us in for one last ultra sound since we missed her the past 2 times.  She was able to, and it made my day!  I have pictures below.  We learned a lot about Emersyn.  Her heartbeat was 143 bpm and she was measuring in at 7 pounds!!  She is now in the 60%ile for weight.  They said she would probably be between 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 pounds at delivery.  My fluid level is at a 13 which they said was good, and she has a lot of hair.  She is breathing on her own and was sucking her little thumb : )  The doctor checked me again today and said the baby's head is at a -2 and pretty low.  I am only dilated a 1/2 cm but have begun to thin.  My Strep B test came back negative and thyroid levels were good.  They said everything looks great so far!!  I am getting a little nervous now knowing that it can be anytime... and I still have procrastinated packing my bag!!!  I have got to do that this week.
Miss Anything?  Eating whatever I want.  I really miss enjoying salads, spaghetti, baked ziti, broccoli, and okra without having heartburn or an incredibly swollen stomach.
Movement: She is more active everyday, or maybe it is just because she is bigger.  I can still feel her all over, and it is pretty funny to see her roll from side to side.  She has had the hiccups several times this week and it is always on the bottom right side of my stomach.

Food cravings: Bread, bread, and more bread.  I have craved really healthy foods because I hate the way anything heavy or greasy makes me feel.  I do not need to feel any more swollen than I already am.  Daniel has been making smoothies for me that I really enjoy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Same things, but I just avoid them.
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a Girl!!
Symptoms: Burning throat in the afternoons, sharp pain in my lower left pelvic area at times, lots of bathroom breaks, feel full a lot quicker than normal, swelling in legs and feet, hard time breathing when sitting up (standing/walking/laying are the most comfortable for me)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Looking forward to: Seeing what Emersyn looks like in person.  We keep trying to pick out features from the ultrasound pictures, but I cannot wait to see what she has of Daniel's and mine when we see her for the first time.

Some of our maternity pictures

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