Thursday, September 24, 2015

10 Months Old

How Old: Ten Months
Weight:  (16lbs 12 oz around the 10th percentile)
Length: (27 1/2 in around the 25th percentile)
Clothes: She is in 9 and 12 month clothes.  Her jammies are 12 month because the 9 month ones are too short.  We are still using size 3 diapers.
Sleep: She takes a morning and afternoon nap each day and each are around 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  She will rarely take a third nap, only on days when we are riding in the car at that time or if she has played super hard.  Bedtime is around 8pm some nights 7:30 and some nights 8:30 depending on her day naps.  She wakes between 6:30 - 7:30am but has been known to be a sleepy head and sleep in until 8ish.  On our beach trip, she slept in one morning until 9am!!!  We must have worn her out :)  She has slept through the night only a handful of times this month.  She still likes that one middle of the night feeding, and although I would love for her to sleep through the night, I'm not taking that feeding away because she needs the calories!
Food: She is nursing 4-5 times a day and once in the night.  I try to make at least one or two of those feedings a bottle from milk that I have pumped so I can see exactly how many ounces she is getting.  We have been doing this often right before bed, but I cannot get her to drink more than 4 ounces.  I guess she just has a smaller tummy.  She is eating breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner of regular food and homemade purees.  This month we have tried a few new things including yogurt (did not like), cottage cheese, hamburger meat, chicken, turkey (did not like).  Here is schedule give or take 30  minutes. 
6:30 Wake/Nurse
7:30 Oatmeal/Fruit/Water
9:00 - 10:45 Nap
11:00 Nurse
12:00 Starch puree/Pick up foods/Water
1:30 - 3:30 Nap
3:30 Nurse/Snack (teething biscuit/diary or fruit/water)
5:30 Oatmeal/Veggie/Pick up foods/Water
7:30 Nurse/Bedtime
1:00ish Nighttime Nurse
Emersyn's Firsts: 
- New Words: banana (said at the beach), night night, bird
- Clapping her hands: she did it the first time with the song "If Your Happy and You Know It"
- Patty Cake: she will clap her hands and when it says 'roll it up' she will roll her hands... adorable!!  She also will roll them sometimes when I sing "The Wheels on the Bus" to her
- Follow single commands for example: 'pick up your paci' 'tickle daddy' 'pick up your blankie' 'love mama' (which will melt your heart because she will lay her head on my shoulder to love me)   She is also responding to what we say.  If I say "Where are the birds" she looks out the window.  If I say "You ready to go night night" and she is ready, she will lay her head on my shoulder. It's precious!!!
- Cruising around everything while holding on: couch, love seat, kitchen cabinets, tables, etc.
- Stand independently
- When she is finished eating now, she will pull her bib down to un-velcro it letting us know she is ready to get out of the highchair. 
- When we say "give me a kiss" she pops loud kisses from her mouth
- Teeth: still the same 5 from last month but I see white on the top
Emersyn Loves: Going outside, taking a bath, when she has visitors, going places, children, giving kisses in the morning, cuddling, playing peek a boo, eating solids, pasta and bread, "Wheels on the Bus" song, music in the car, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the "Hot Dog" song, getting into cabinets to find new things, blankie and paci, her baby doll, her teddy bear, waving hey and bye, playing silly games with her daddy, going to her Sunday School class (she claps her hands when we go into the church building :), turning the TV on and off, playing with our phones, Brown Bear, Brown Bear book, being rocked before bed
Emersyn Dislikes: Changing outfits, bows in her hair, washing her face, being laid down in her bed awake, and lately she has not wanted to eat a few purees she once loved (sweet potatoes, avocado, and a few others unless we disguise them with another food)
Emersyn is Learning to: Understand what we are saying, follow commands, shake her head no (she also does this when she goes up to something that she knows is off limits like the blinds or the fireplace), stand unsupported, associate words with places (ex. dog is outside)
Mommy's Favorite Thing: You are the friendliest little girl!  You love people and know how to get their attention.  You are PRECIOUS out in public and steal everyone's heart.  When we went to Hilton Head, you made friends with everyone at the hotel, restaurants, beach, pool, you name it.  You will wave that sweet little hand to greet people and if they acknowledge you and wave back, you flash your crazy little cheese grin.  And if there are children anywhere around, you will wave to them big and even squeal to make sure you get their attention.  You love making new friends!!  You stole my heart the most this past month when you started responding to me saying "love mama" by laying your sweet little head on my shoulder or chest to love me!!!  Nothing better :)
Daddy's Favorite Thing: Daddy says, "I love how much your personality has developed and all of the things that you are able to do now just amazes me.  I always love going on new adventures with you and seeing how much you love to "go places" and experience new things with mama and daddy!" 
What I've Learned This Month:
** Don't Blink!!
** I have to be careful what I do, say, and of the expressions I make.  She is copying things that I do daily :)
** That I don't ever think I will get as much sleep as I did before being a mama... but somehow I make it through on adrenaline each day.  

I had to post a lot of 10 month pictures because the progression was too hilarious to leave any out.  Our little girl has some personality and loves life :)

Lake Trip with Friends
We went to the lake for the weekend with our friends Allan, Diana, and baby Everly and Jason, Jennifer, and baby Grace.  We had so much fun relaxing together and watching the little ones!!
 Baby Everly showing off her new teethies

 High school friends with baby girls one month apart :)


 Grace and Emmie were so excited to see each other, they had to touch faces.

 Best buddies!

 Emersyn trying to get Grace's dog!  She loves dogs :)

 Boat rides are so relaxing

 And she's out!

 The Barter family

 Sweet Gracie!

 First time in the lake water with her daddy!  She only stayed a few minutes because the life jacket was not the most comfortable :)

 Sweet Everly with her daddy

Family Vacation
We took our first trip as a family of just Daddy, Mommy, and Emmie to Hilton Head, SC.  It was just a quick 3 night trip, but we had a ball together. 

 Eating a snack after a nap on the beach.

 She loved the sand and water and would crawl all over the beach.  Not afraid of the waves either!!

 Out to dinner
 She loved looking at the water and boats.


 Sunset by the marsh at a nearby shopping center

 Trying to catch the clouds :)

 Rocking with Daddy!

 Two sleepy heads!!  They slept until 9am!!!  Why can't she do this at home??!!  

 We asked a person walking by to take a picture of us 3... I think they thought the buildings in the back were more important :(

 Pretty in pink!

 Playing with mama!


 She doesn't sit still for long :)

 Our hotel!  We stayed at the Omni and it was great for children!! 

  We drove to Sea Pines on Saturday to explore before heading home.

 Swinging at the park near the lighthouse in Sea Pines.  She had a so much fun!!

 A yummy restaurant we came across.

 Excuse the slicked back hair I had... it was HOT!!

 Loving mommy!!

 Waving "hey"

 She was playing peek a boo with us!  Adorable hand!

Eating Cheerios

 Looking at the birds!

 Leaning in to give a kiss

 Packed up and ready for a day on the beach!

 Napping to the sound of waves

 Yummy blueberries and oatmeal for breakfast!

 Visiting a petting zoo in Sea Pines... She was scared of the Llama because he stuck his head through the fence.  I tried to explain he was nice like Llama Llama Red Pajama.  She didn't buy it!

 Moo cow

 Looking at the horses

Enjoying some home time!

 She learned how to get her leg out of her Oball!!!  Little Monkey!

 Messy Hair!

 Library Thursdays
 Emmie's friends Abigail and Lilly

 Always putting something in her mouth

 Mimi joined us one Thursday for library time.  It was a beautiful cooler summer day so we played on the library playground too!