Thursday, September 7, 2017

1 Month Old

I think the first month of baby number two has flown by WAY faster than baby number one did if that's even possible.  Taking care of two children is a blessing, but it makes the time and days disappear right before my eyes.  I am trying to savor every moment of time I have with our sweet Brayden before he is running around like his big sister because I know it is going to happen quicker than this mama would like!!  Brayden, you have already captured our hearts with your laid back, sweet personality.  You are very easy to please and your cuddles are the best!!  We are forever thankful that God placed you into our family, and we pray that we can be the parents God would want us to be for you.  We love you to the moon and back!!!

How Old: One Month
Weight: 8lb 15oz (around 25 percentile)
Length: 22 in (around the 60th  to 70th percentile)
Sleep: We have been blessed with a pretty good sleeper so far.  The first two weeks all he wanted to do was sleep, and he could sleep through ANYTHING!!  He basically only woke to eat.  By week three, he started becoming more alert and noticing noises.  The past few weeks he has been somewhat predictable... although we have not begun a "set schedule" as it is too early.  I basically just follow his lead and feed when he wants to eat and put him to sleep when he seems tired.  He has been having two longer stretches of awake times, one in the morning and one around dinner time.  Typically he wakes between 7-8am and then has an "awake time" until his next feeding which is usually an hour and a half later.  Then he sleeps a good long stretch usually 3 hours.  He wakes around 12-1pm and eats again and then immediately goes back to sleep for several hours.  Around 4-5pm he wakes and is awake off and on until bedtime.  He cluster feeds and takes small cat naps and really likes to be held a lot during this time.  Around 7:30-8:30pm he goes to bed and will typically sleep about 4 hours between feedings on average.  I am usually feeding him twice in the night... sometimes 3 times depending on the night.  The longest stretch he has gone in the night was 7 hours  (the night before my birthday so I have said that was my birthday present from him).  He naps in the Rock n Play, his bassinet, or if we are out, in the car seat.  At night he sleeps in our room in his bassinet or if he seems to have an unsettled stomach, he sleeps in the Rock n Play.
Food: Mommy's milk :)  He eats right when he wakes around 7-8am and then an hour and a half later.  Then throughout the day he usually eats every 3 hours on average.  In the later afternoon he clusters feeds again every 1-2 hours until bedtime.  He has been going around 4 hours each night between feedings on average, but he has gone as little as 2 and as long as 7 hours.  He is nursing 8-9 times a day right now.
Brayden's Firsts: This month Brayden had a lot of firsts to remember!!
- Bath at home: given by your GiGi - July 30th
- Day he lost umbilical cord: your Mimi was changing your diaper and saw it was missing - Aug. 1 (Five days old)
- Restaurant: Bowen's Landing - Aug. 22
- Store: Haywood Mall and Switch a Roos Fall sale - Aug. 10
- Noticing his fingers: While shopping at Switch a Roos - Aug. 10
- Birthday party: MamaDoris and Aunt Jessie's birthdays - Aug. 18
- Time to go to church: Aug. 20
- Family Outing: Apple Farm in Hendersonville with the four of us - Aug. 20
- Surgery: Tongue clipped by Dr. Goforth - Aug. 22
- Wedding: We went to your daddy's boss' daughter's wedding - Aug. 26
Brayden Loves: Eating, sleeping, riding in the car but fusses when the car is not moving, taking stroller rides as long as the sun is not in his eyes, being swaddled to sleep, laying chest to chest with his little head propped on my shoulder, rocking out on the porch with daddy, kisses from his sister, grunting, looking at himself in the mirror
Brayden Dislikes: Being put down while he's awake, not a fan of the Rock n Play unless he's asleep, sun in his eyes, when movement stops (car, stroller, etc)
Mommy's Favorite Thing: I love watching you fall asleep and the many funny faces you make with your mouth.  I especially love the sweet smiles you give right before you drift off to sleepy land.  When you curl your sweet little body in a ball with your feet tucked under your stomach and lay on my chest,  THAT is the best feeling in the world!!  I also love how very laid back you are!  You have been a super easy baby for the most part and mommy thanks you ;)
Daddy's Favorite Thing: Daddy says, "I love when he stares at me and rocking him on the back porch."

Visitors who Came to see Brayden

 Emersyn and Audrey

 Mama's friend Jeanna

 Your cousin Matt

 Your great grandpa: PaPa Painter and your Mimi

 Your great grandma: MamaDoris

 Carson, Craig, and Kim (cousin and great uncle and aunt)

 Your next door neighbors

 Your Uncle Eddis

 Mama's friend Brantley and your friend Jack

 Your friend Charlotte and your sister playing while Brantley holds you

 Mama's friend Kathryn

 Emersyn with Elizabeth (Kathryn's daughter)

 Your cousin Drew and Great Aunt Barbara

 Aunt Barbara

 Your cousin Luke

 Miss Rebecca, your cousin Jake's girlfriend

 Your Gigi

 Emersyn, Drew, and Brayden

 Your Great Great Aunt Jessie

 Your neighbor Jean

 and your neighbor Harper

Newborn Pictures by Monica Parkkonen

A Little Photo-shoot We Did at Home

 Other Special Times in Your First Month
 First bath in your tub... you did not like it at all.  You like it much better now though!!

 After your first Sunday to church... we ate lunch at Gran Gran and Papa's for Jessie's birthday.

 Celebrating Jessie's birthday

 Morning cuddles with sissy

 Your first trip to Dr. Donna... she said everything looked great :)

 Playing with sister

 Cuddle bug!!

 First time Mama was brave enough to take both kiddos out by herself!!

 You think tummy time is for sleeping!!

Sister riding in the wagon at Mimi and Pappy's
 Sister pretending to go to the beach... she has all her bags packed and her baby!!

 A fun Saturday in downtown Greenville at Falls Park

 Your first wedding

 First (and probably only) time you have kept a paci in your mouth.  You are not much of a fan so far.

 Your first trip the an apple farm

 Visiting Jessie at her home for her birthday

 Your first stroller ride

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