Sunday, March 20, 2016

16 Months Old

How Old: Sixteen Months
Teeth: 13 that are all the way in (4 top, 4 bottom, 4 molars, 1 eye tooth)
Clothes: She is in 18 month clothes and size 4 diapers.  Her shoe size is a 5.
Sleep: Oh my!!  This month has been a rough one with sleep.  We had 4 months of sleep heaven... but we have been struggling this month.  It all began at the beginning of February when she got the croup.  We went several days and nights where she had to be held up to sleep because she could not catch her breath laying down.  She lost a lot of sleep for about a week because of the sickness and was on steroids for three days that made her super hungry.  She would wake in the middle of the night wanting to eat (and we let her because we knew it was the steroids).  It took about two weeks for her to finally get over all the congestion.  Then she had terrible diaper rash for several days.  Not sure if it was due to the medicine passing through or it just happened.  So, we had to sleep train all over again for the night.  She is back on track for night sleeping... but we have had to still work on naps.  It has been a rough month for this mama because her day naps have been about 30 minutes until she wakes screaming.  She will nap her normal 2.5 - 3 hours if she is held.  As you can imagine... I have had little time to take care of house work and other typical daily tasks that are normally completed during naps.  She turned 16 months on Feb. 28th and the last week of February she was taking naps great.  Hoping we are getting back to normal.  Maybe it was just a 15 month fluke :)
Food: Since having croup this month, her appetite has really gone up especially with the amount of milk she is wanting during the day.  Some of her favorite foods include: cheese, tomatoes, bread, ham, oatmeal, all berries, avocados, goldfish, animal crackers, peanut butter, spaghetti, and chicken.
I'm just not even listing a schedule this month because the sleep and sickness made our schedule a wreck.  She did eat three meals a day and two snacks.  Hopefully next month our schedule will be back on track.
Emersyn's Highlights
- She had her very first prescription (besides her eye drops when she was days old).  Little girl caught the croup and was pretty pitiful the night we realized she had it.  NOTHING would satisfy her, not laying in the crib, not laying with mommy, not being rocked, nothing.  She could hardly breathe... and was just pitiful.  Thankfully her doctor treated it immediately by giving her a dose of steroid in the office and she finally recovered fully after about 2 weeks.
- She is getting brave and will walk all through the house by herself exploring.  Sometimes I think she's right beside me and she has traveled to the other side of the house.  Can't take my eye off of her.
- Her language has really taken off this month.  She will repeat anything we ask her to say (although some words are hard to understand, she at least attempts).  And she LOVES reading books!!
- She has also started role playing a lot more.  Ex. Taking care of her babies
- Her motor skills have also exploded!!  She is climbing up and down stairs and is now able to climb up her tree house by herself and slide.  She does this at the library playground too!!
- She enjoys going places and clearly communicates it to us.  Shortly after she wakes, she will say "go" and "ooes" for shoes to let me know she is ready to go outside or in the car.    
Emersyn Loves: Going to the library, her family, playing outside, riding in the car, going to church (although we have missed a lot lately with her being sick), baby dolls and changing their diaper, swinging, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV, music, her shoes, reading books, going on adventures, and she's really into ink pens/markers/crayons/pencils
Emersyn Dislikes: Having her face wiped, being inside all day if it's too cold or rainy, taking medicine, and we still cannot get her to eat eggs
Emersyn is Learning to: Take care of her baby dolls (she feeds them, changes their diaper and clothes, and gives them a paci and bottle), feed herself with a spoon, tell us right when she pee pees or poops in her diaper, put things where they go when cleaning, repeat words we say, use please and thank-you correctly, put on and take off her bib,  making most all animal sounds.

 The girl still loves blueberries!!  She had to take a pit stop while playing to snack on a bowl of them on the kitchen floor :)

 She loves her "kid" table at MamaDoris and PaPa's house

 Visiting Uncle Eddis and Aunt Cindy's goats on PaPa's farm

 This is when poor baby girl had croup.  We visited the doctor and they gave her steroids.  She then went to sleep at 7pm and slept until 10am the next morning.

 Looking refreshed after 15 hours of sleep... but it didn't last long!!

 She never... I repeat never lays down on the floor just to rest.  That sickness was cruel!

 She wanted her towel and blanket on her after taking a bath.  Her fever was making her have the chills.

 Friday before Valentine's Day... Dressed up for her Valentine, Daddy.

 Look how tall I am Mommy!

 Styling in her heart glasses

 Emersyn and I made a Valentine's cake for Daniel.

 We also made heart shaped Valentine's sugar cookies for Emersyn to give to her family.  She LOVED the homemade icing more than the cookie.

 Our surprise dinner we made for Daniel, chicken parmesan. 

 The cake we made now iced... White chocolate raspberry :)

 Gifts for our favorite Valentine, Daddy (Daniel)

 Emersyn and I got flowers from Daddy (Daniel) and other goodies!!

 He also took us to Chick-fil-A for breakfast!!  Yum!

 Heart shaped biscuit

 Emersyn opening her dress from her Daddy.  He picked it out all by himself ;)

 My Valentine after church on Valentine Sunday

 Emersyn's Pappy surprised her with a Valentine cake!  (She's not spoiled at all... promise!)

 Loving on Pappy (my dad)

 Enjoying a piece of her cake!

 Morning bed head watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

 Excited for no rain and warmer weather

 My "happy" little girl

 Daddy's girl

 Looking over at our neighbor's house trying to find their dogs.

 Making her dog sound "ruw, ruw, ruw"

 Checking out the garden
 One Saturday last month we took Emersyn to the Greenville Zoo for the first time.  She is going through a phase where she LOVES animals and making their sounds.  Books with animals in them are her favorite to read too.

 She loved the lions and saying "rawr"

 After the zoo, we made a stop at Marble Slab for some ice cream!  She loved my chocolate :)

 To end our fun family day at the zoo... we just could resist letting her crawl up in our bed for family night snuggles!!!  

 Emmie is really starting to master using her spoon/fork and actually getting the food in her mouth.  She is using her fork to get the spaghetti noodles.  This is one of her favorite meals, but boy is it messy!!


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