Tuesday, July 5, 2016

19 Months Old

How Old: Nineteen Months
Weight: 22 pounds  6 ounces 
Teeth: 16 all of her "eye" teeth came in this month
Clothes: She is wearing 18month and 24month clothing.  She is in size 4 diapers and 6 or 6 1/2 shoes.
Sleep: Sleep has been wonderful this month!  She sleeps between 11-12 hours each night and takes a 2-3 hour nap each afternoon.  I couldn't ask for anything better :)  
Food: This past month her favorite foods have been: cheeses, bacon, pork chops, fruits (especially bananas, grapes, and berries), any Italian, avocado, oatmeal, peanut butter, and fish.  We still struggle getting veggies in her!!
                                                Here is her schedule give or take 30 minutes. 
7:00 Wake/Milk
8:00 Breakfast
9:30 Snack
11:30 Lunch
3:00 Snack
5:30 Dinner
7:30 Bath/Stories/Bedtime
Emersyn's Highlights
- She is putting two words together now like "daddy work" "shoes go" "snack fish"
- She likes to do things independently and will often say "Ese" when I try to help her with something to let me know she wants to do it by herself.  (She calls herself "Ese")
- We went to the beach for the first time this season, and she LOVED everything about it!  She is not afraid of the ocean and she loves the sand.
- She can count to 3!  Lots of times I will say "1,2" and she will say "3, go."  And when measuring the water for her oatmeal in the morning she will count how many cups we put in the bowl.  
- She can also associate names with many of her letters.  If we say, "What is 'm' for?"  She will say, "mama."  She knows: A-Addy, B-baby, C-Clay, D-Daddy, E-Emersyn/Emma, G-Gran Gran, H-Harper, L-Lilly, M-Mama/Mimi/Matt, P-Papa, R-Rhett.  We are working on the other letters :)  
- We continue to work on her colors, but she isn't really grasping that yet.  To her, most every color is green :)
- She has a new found love for pens/markers/crayons and wants to draw or write very often.   
- She is a pleaser and thrives on praise which is helpful when teaching and disciplining her.  She loves to help me with chores and is truly good at picking up and putting things where they belong.  
- Her daddy says he's in trouble because he now has 2 girls keeping him straight.  If he leaves his clothes in the bathroom or beside his bed, Emersyn will tell him "clothes up."  And one night while we were doing our bedtime story with her, she looked at Daniel and said "hat on."  He asked her if his hair look messy and she said yes.  Haha!  
- She continues to be a social butterfly!!  While we were at the beach, she enjoyed walking around to each family nearby and making friends with them.  She made friends with toddlers all the way up to seniors. 
Emersyn Loves: Splashing in water outside, swimming, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (she's addicted), her paci and blankie (again addicted), baby dolls, her family and friends, going places, drawing with pens or crayons, music, coffee sips from her daddy, swinging
Emersyn Dislikes: Getting her face wiped, opening wide so I can brush her teeth good, eating her greens
Emersyn is Learning to: repeat any and every word, put words together, number association, help with chores around the house, follow directions, use crayons, talk on the phone!!, interact with songs (ex. shake our sillies out, jump our jiggles out)

 Before church one morning

 Her daddy was out of town that weekend, so she was blowing him a kiss

 Having fun at Emma's Pump it Up birthday party

 With her cousins Emma and Addison

 We took Emersyn's great grandma (MamaDoris) to get ice cream for Mother's Day

The Saturday before Mother's Day, Daniel, Emersyn and I went to the strawberry patch to pick fresh strawberries!!  It was so much fun :)  Emersyn LOVED picking and eating them!

Uh-oh!  Her bucket dumped!

Then they took me out for lunch to one of my favorite lunch places, Brick Street Cafe in Greenville.

Radishes from the garden
Can you find the bunny rabbit?

Mother's Day morning I woke to sweet gifts, flowers, and breakfast from my two favorite people!!

Mimi and Emersyn

Three generations of girls before church Mother's Day morning


She gives the BEST kisses!!

Love my little family!


Loving on Pappy!

No, they're not crazy about her...

Gran Gran and her grandchildren

Daniel's mom and her children

She has to check the garden daily!!  Picking squash :)
Helping daddy plant our annuals

Having fun at Aunt Elizabeth's birthday
Cutting the grass

Poor daddy and uncle Daniel!!!
Our first beach trip of the season was with my parents at Litchfield over Memorial Day weekend.  Emersyn LOVED the water, sand, and everything about the beach.  We enjoyed our time together despite tropical storm Bonnie visiting, Emersyn running a fever, and me getting the shingles on my face.  

Picking up seashells to throw in the "wa wa"

She loved blowing bubbles at the beach!

Carrying her seashell bag

She did wonderful taking naps in her stroller under the tent.  She slept around 3 hours each day giving us some relaxing time to enjoy the sun and a good book!!

 Flying like an airplane!  She loved seeing them go by in the sky at the beach :)

 Snacks are always better on the beach!

 No fear of the sand!

 Finding shells with Mimi

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