Thursday, January 5, 2017

24 Months Old

How Old: Twenty-four Months
Weight: 24lbs 9oz (20th%ile)
Height: 34.5 in (75th%ile) 
Teeth: 18 (she cut 2 of her 2 year molars and the other 2 are quickly coming in as well)
Clothes: She is wearing mostly 24 month and 2T clothingI have been buying 2T for her new fall/winter clothes.  She is in size 4 diapers and 7 1/2 to 8 shoe.
Sleep: She is still sleeping from around 8pm-7am each night and taking a 2.5 - 3 hour nap in the afternoons.  She did have a few weeks right before turning two that were rocky with sleep... shortly after we noticed molars popping through.  If her sleep is altered 99% of the time it is due to teeth or sickness coming on, so at least we are learning the signs ;)
Food: This past month her favorite foods have been: blueberries, pastas/noodles, spaghetti, CAKE/CUPCAKES (she's been all about them because of her birthday coming up), cheese, avocado, chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A.
                                                Her schedule give or take 30 minutes. 
7:30 Wake/Milk
8:00 Breakfast
9:30 Snack
11:30 Lunch
3:00 Snack
5:30 Dinner
8:00 Bath/Stories/Bedtime
Emersyn's Highlights:
- Role playing has been huge lately, which is great because she is playing independently for greater periods of time.  She loves taking care of her babies, pretending to cook, pretending to clean, and pretending to "go places" while riding her little car: Costco, Walmart, Ingles,  church, Mimi and Gran Gran's house, and Stroller Rollers.
- She is really maturing when it comes to listening and reasoning.  She is better understanding that actions can give good or bad consequences and really tries to please and make good choices.  I don't think we have used time out in several weeks or even a month.  There for a while around 15-18 months it was several times a week ;)

Emersyn Loves: taking care of her babies, reading books, visiting family and friends, going to the library, Stroller Rollers and exercising, coloring/drawing, playing games, hide and seek, helping mommy with chores, playing outside, paci and blankie 
Emersyn Dislikes: loud noises (lawnmower, garage door, etc): she will say, "Mama that scare me!"  
Emersyn is Learning to: mastered counting to 10 and attempts to 16, tells an object or person that goes with most every letter, pretend play more independently, can identify all typical crayon colors, read (from memorization) books to her baby dolls, catch a ball, work puzzles independently with less frustration

Sunday Afternoon at Apple Farm with Friends
 Emersyn wanted the apple to be a ball!!

 Filling up their baskets

 Help me daddy!!

 They may be little but they have their daddies wrapped!

 So glad we are neighbors and friends :)

 My girl <3

 The Tolleson Family

 Our little family!
 Emersyn and Harper, best buddies

 Not sure the apple place is pleased with their throwing skills

 Pure sweetness!!

 Sweet little hands

 Mommy switch

 Feeding the animals

 Playing in the bamboo

Annual McDowell Family Mountain Trip

 Cousin love

 Emersyn was not into smiling for a family picture that day

 Gran Gran and Papa with all the grands

 Matt and Elizabeth

 Happy our Vermont family joined us :)

 Picnic and playtime at Saluda park 

 Moving on to the pumpkin patches and apple farms 

 Too big to pick up!!


 How tall are you this year?

 Taking a break while I can... nice to have so many babysitters with me :)

 Picking out pumpkins

 Playing on the spider web

 Daniel thinks its a hammock

 Hang on tight!!

 I think my husband missed that this was for the kids ha!

 McDowell clan

Homecoming at Clemson
 Running down the greenhouse hill

 We could hardly keep her off of this float!  She wanted to run up the hill, touch the rock, and run down the hill.  Sadly there was a super long line of people wanting to take pictures so she couldn't play long.

 She loved running all over Bowman field!!

 Wore herself out!

 A fall morning before church

 The only picture I was able to take at her friend Lilly's birthday party

 Waiting patiently for her sticker after library story time

 Sliding at the library the day before she turned 2!!!

 Playing outside at Gran Gran's house

The last day my baby girl was a one year old!!


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