Saturday, January 31, 2015

3 Months Old

How Old: Three Months
Weight: 10lb 10oz (between the 5th and 10th percentile)
Clothes: She has outgrown the length of her 0-3 month things.  She can still wear some 3 month clothes but is mostly in 3-6 months now.  She is in size 1 diapers.
Length: 23 3/4 in (50th percentile)
Sleep: I had to go back to work right before she turned three months, so her sleep schedule has been drastically altered lately.  Poor thing doesn't know what to think... it's not easy for the mama to wake up 2-3 hours earlier each morning either : )  Previously this month, she took a long nap after her second morning feeding and then a few 30-45 minute naps throughout the rest of the day and then an hour nap before her bedtime feeding.  Her old bedtime was around 7:30-8:30 and she would wake for one night feeding and then wake in the morning around 7:00-8:00.  In order for me to nurse her before going to work, she is having to wake up between 5:30-6:00am now.  This puts her going to bed around 7-7:30 at night.  I really am not happy with this because she is not getting as much night sleep as she used to, but I just hate to put her to bed before 7:00pm because that gives me hardly any time to spend with her when I get home from work.  She is taking more frequent naps with her Mimi and Gran Gran while I am at work probably due to her sleeping for a shorter amount of time at night.
Food: She is still drinking milk from mommy.  I pump 3 times a day at work, and she takes 3 bottles while I am away.  Then when I am home, she usually eats with me 2-3 times before bed, once in the night, and then once in the morning.  She has done wonderful going between bottle and mommy.  I am so thankful that it was such an easy transition!!  On a funny note, since I have been back to work, as soon as Emersyn sees me when I get off she wants to nurse even if she just ate 30 minutes before.  We have laughed about how much she associates me with food, but I like to think of it as her just missing those close snuggles.
Emersyn's Firsts: 
- Taking bottles all day: You had practiced taking bottles of pumped milk a few times a week to get you used to a bottle for when someone else keeps you, but you had never taken more than one or two a day.  I had to have a colonoscopy so you took  only bottles for 24 hours.  I was nervous about you being able to fall asleep for bedtime without nursing, but you did fine.  Dec. 30th
- Vaccinations: You had 3 shots and one vaccine by mouth.  You screamed of course, but I immediately fed you and you settled.  When we got you back home we did lots of cuddling to make you feel better. You ran a fever no higher than 100.3 the next day and were pretty fussy the day after that, but then you were back to normal by the third day.  Jan. 2nd
- Rolled over from your tummy to your belly: Jan. 7th
- Going to nursery at church: You went to nursery during preaching, but only because Mimi had nursery duty.  I think I am going to keep you in preaching for a little while longer at least until all these winter germs are gone.  Jan. 11th
- Staying at Mimi and Pappy's by yourself:  Daddy and I went to Bible study and left you with them for the hour.  Jan. 14th
- Going shopping at South Park Mall: Your daddy took his favorite girls to shop at South Park Mall (one of mommy's favorite places to shop).  You did great!  We bought you a few outfits and a bathing suit for summer!!  Jan. 17th
- Being left without mommy for the day: I had to go back to work.  It was a sad day, but you did well with your Mimi, MamaDoris, and Aunt Barbara.  It was definitely harder on me than you.  Jan. 20th
- Staying by yourself at Gran Gran and Papa's: Your daddy took you for your first day of staying with Gran Gran and he picked you up.  Jan. 23rd
Emersyn Loves: Mornings in her Rock n' Play, kicking and playing on her activity gym, being read to and looking at the pictures, riding in the car, looking at the TV, kicking in her bath tub, playing with her turtle and fish toys, riding in her stroller (especially at the mall), looking in the mirror at herself, music and being sung to, cuddling with mommy and daddy
Emersyn Dislikes: Being in her car seat with the car not moving (Woodruff Road in Greenville is a nightmare for Emersyn... she does not like red lights), wet diapers, waiting for her food, being burped between feedings (though half the time she will not burp), crowds of people around her.  We can already tell she is not the most patient baby in the world.  She knows what she wants, and she wants it now.  We won't talk about who she gets this trait from...
Emersyn is Learning to: Hold things with two hands, put her fists together to keep her paci in (still working on this), make adorable sounds to "talk," giggle, roll over from stomach to back, hold her head up consistently, put weight on her legs to practice standing up with me holding her, suck on those fingers, wrap her arms around my neck (melts my heart!!!), hold onto my shirt when I'm holding her, and she is drooling everywhere!
Mommy's Favorite Thing: Oh my goodness!!  You are getting such a personality these days.  You make your daddy and me laugh all the time.  I love all of your new sweet sounds.  You "talk" to your toys, the tv, and people.  Lately each morning while I am getting ready you talk nonstop and make the sweetest sounds.  Your smiles are the best thing ever, and I cannot wait to get home from work every day to see them.  I still love when you sleep on my chest more than anything in this world.  The past two Sunday evenings, I have purposefully had you fall asleep in my arms after eating so I could cuddle with you while you sleep.  Leaving you on Mondays to go to work are never easy, but the cuddles make it a little better!!  I actually took a half day from work when you had your 3 month weigh check, and when we got home we napped on the couch together.  I sure do miss those mid day naps we used to sneak in together.  I also love giving you a bath and watching you kick and play.  You are the sweetest thing ever when you are wrapped up in your hooded towel after your bath, and that fresh baby smell you have after I coat you in lotion is so wonderful!! 
Daddy's Favorite Thing: Daddy says, "I love how each day is something new.  A new noise, a new facial expression, a new movement, or a new favorite toy.  I really love each morning--and for those who know me, I HATE mornings!  It may take me a few minutes to get up and get going, but you are always so happy to see us in the mornings and you "talk" the most and give the biggest smiles.  I also love our morning ride to Gran Gran's on the days she keeps you.  Even though it is out of the way from my normal commute to work, it is great to be the one to take you.  I know as you get older and can talk, I'm sure our "Daddy/Emersyn" rides to different places will become even more meaningful as you tell me the important things going on in your life!  It was so much fun to have a warm day in January that I could stroll around the neighborhood with you.  Mommy thought you would go to sleep, but when we got back Mommy said, "Why are you still awake?"  Well, you were extremely excited and smiled and laughed and stared at me with your beautiful bright eyes!   I still love changing diapers, because we have so much fun (we make the best of a stinky situation :)!)  Lastly, I love all of the crazy songs I make up to sing to you.  The smiles, "dances" and "yells" you make as I come up with the silliest of songs are priceless and I will always cherish these times."
What I've Learned This Month:
** God can give you strength you never thought would be possible: I have honestly dreaded leaving Emersyn to go back to work since the first day I had her.  I made a point to soak in every single minute with her while I was out of work and had imagined that my first day back would be filled with tears all day.  I did cry off and on the whole weekend before having to return and begged Daniel to let me quit and stay at home (not because I don't love my students but because I love my baby more and could not stand to think that someone else would be spending more time with her than me).  Of course if finances weren't an issue, staying at home would be my first choice, but returning has not been as bad as I thought it would be.  I prayed specifically for strength while taking a shower the morning I had to return, and God answered that prayer.  I also had many family members and friends praying that my transition would be smooth.  I did WAY better than I could have imagined.  My mom came to pick her up and take her to my grandparents (since she watches my grandmother too), so I knew she was in good hands.  My students were thrilled to see me again and welcomed me with sweet hugs and smiles.   I also enjoy routine and a schedule, so it was nice to have that again.  BUT, I must say that weekends are SOOO much sweeter than they ever were before and I know exactly how many days until spring break :)
** Being a stay at home mom IS a job:  I know many people think stay at home moms "have it made."  I can tell you first hand from the last 12 weeks of being at home with Emersyn that it is more than wonderful, but it is the furthest thing away from being a cake walk.  You cannot use the bathroom when you want, meals get skipped, and before you know it bedtime has arrived and you realize that you still have not brushed your teeth for the day or changed out of your pajamas from the night before.  Not because you were chilling in your pjs, but because you didn't have a spare minute to do so.  I had never left Emersyn for more than a couple hours, so on my first day back to work, I almost felt as if I had a bit of a vacation : )  Now I teach 21 six and seven year olds, and I have several extremely difficult children this year, but I have more down time at work than I do at home all day with baby girl.  I would still give my right arm to not miss a moment with my baby each day and be able to stay at home though.
** It really does take a village to raise a child: I am so thankful to have family to keep my baby instead of daycare, and I think it is special that Emersyn is getting to bond and spend time with family while I am away.  When my mom keeps her, Emersyn also gets to spend time with my mom's parents and very often my dad, brother, aunts, and cousins get to stop in while she is there.  When Daniel's mom keeps her, she is able to spend the day with her cousin Emma and also sees her Papa when he comes home for lunch as well as her other cousins when they get out of school and sometimes her aunts pop in.  Again, I would love to selfishly be at home with her during the day, but I am thrilled that she has SO many people in her life that love her and can also positively impact and shape her life while I am not able to be with her.  

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