Wednesday, July 26, 2017

40 Weeks

How far along? 40 weeks (Only got a belly picture because we were heading to hospital in the evening, and I have been a little too emotional toady to show my face.  Changing from a family of 3 to 4 is very exciting but bittersweet at the same time!)
Baby size: Watermelon, 7.63 lb, 20.16 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: 26 pounds today, lost one pound from last doctor's visit
Maternity clothes? Yes! 
Stretch marks? No 

Sleep: I have slept really good all week until last night.  I had some anxiety about today's doctor's appointment and what was ahead.
Best moment this week:
Emersyn and I have had some fun swimming days together, visited the library, gone to one of her friend's birthday parties and I've taken a few naps with her to get in some extra snuggles.  I had a doctor's appointment today at 39 weeks and 6 days... tomorrow is due date!!  Vitals were good, Brayden's heart rate was still in the 140s.  I was dilated to 2cm and still 80% effaced.  Doctor suggested we go ahead with induction because of his weight.  He asked me to come in today at 5pm to begin the Cervidil and then will begin Pitocin in the morning.  I begged to wait until around 8:30-9pm tonight to come in so Daniel and I can put Emersyn to bed as a family of 3 one last time.  He reluctantly agreed.  SO, looks like it's go time!!  I have a sea of mixed emotions right now.  Thankful to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel where we get to meet our baby boy.  Nervous about how Emersyn is going to react and adjust to all the many changes.  Anxious of how labor and delivery will go since we seem to be going down the same road we did with Emersyn.  Praying this delivery is much faster than Emersyn's was with no complications and no C-section.  Also praying that through all the transitions, Emersyn will know how very much we love her and that God will help me in balancing my time and energy between my two little blessings.
Miss Anything?  I have been living moment to moment this week, not knowing what was ahead or when he was deciding to come.  I have been cleaning my house daily and trying to do things spur of the moment.  For this planner... it has been a challenge.  I know for a while my life will be very unpredictable and centered around potty breaks, nursing times, and diaper changes.  I'm learning more and more to be flexible and expect the unexpected :)
Movement: He has been moving A LOT!!  Sometimes it is painful and I experience a lot of pressure from the  movements.  When we are swimming in the pool I also feel more pressure when he moves.

Food cravings: Watermelon, fried rice, light "girlie foods," cheeseburgers, pizza, cereal, smoothies, refreshing foods (like sherbet ice cream and Chick Fil A's diet frosted lemonade), pastas, and wraps 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I was very nauseated and light headed this past Saturday afternoon and Sunday.  I took a three hour nap with Emersyn Saturday afternoon I was so weak.  I am not sure if it was heat exhaustion and maybe not drinking enough water or if I had a touch of stomach bug.  I felt much better and had more energy after Sunday.
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a BOY!!
Symptoms: Besides the nausea spell Saturday and Sunday, I have felt pretty good considering HOW pregnant I am.  My biggest complaint would be the heat and my hot flashing.  It is near to impossible to stay cool when the weather is well into the 90s every day.  The swelling is worse due to the heat as well.  I feel the very best when I'm in the pool.
Belly Button in or out? Pretty flat
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby boy!!!  Praying he comes tomorrow and does not take two days like his big sister.  I am also looking forward to seeing Emersyn's reaction and face when she first meets her little brother!!  Video camera is ready!!!

 Enjoying cupcakes at Abigail's birthday party

Ice cream date with daddy and mommy

Brayden's Maternity Pictures


Sunday, July 23, 2017

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 weeks
Baby size: Small Watermelon, 7.25 lb, 19.96 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: I went to the doctor Tuesday and have remained the same at 27 pounds above pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? Yes!  And I ordered several hospital and first weeks of recovery new comfy clothes, jammies, and nursing tops.
Stretch marks? No 

Sleep: I have been sleeping like a rock this week!  Way better than I have been.  I attribute it to pushing myself so much during the day.  I think Daniel has slept more on the couch or with Emersyn than he has with me because of my loud snoring.
Best moment this week: We FINALLY made a decision on a double stroller.  Long story short, my favorite stroller would not take Brayden's carrier (which is passed down from Emersyn)... so I found a great deal on a used one from some Clemson grads in Greer.  Planning to use it until he's out of the carrier and then if we are still in need of a double stroller will purchase the one I've been really wanting.  But who knows... in a year, Emersyn may be to grown up for a stroller.  We've been swimming several times this week with neighborhood friends and some of Daniel's family at our neighborhood pool and also at my parents' pool on Sunday.  Trying my best to stay cool and make sure Emersyn is still having fun!!  We are continuing to do little things each day to get our home and life ready for baby brother... although I do not think you are every truly "ready."  There will ALWAYS be more to do.  I was really hoping he would come this past Thursday because my house was perfectly clean and ready.  Every day he waits, that's one more day for my house to get dirty again ahhhhh!!!  

I had another doctor's appointment Tuesday with my regular doctor's brother.  My blood pressure was a good bit higher than normal: 123/83 and my heart rate was 120.  My blood pressure is usually around 105/65 but they did not seem concerned at all.  Brayden's heart rate was in the 140s again.  The doctor checked me and said I was dilated to a ONE... better than zero.  The head was -1 station and I was 80% effaced.  He said he would not recommend the previously suggested induction for Thursday, July 20th because I still was not favorable enough for an induction.  So, we will continue to wait and clean every day haha!!  I go back next Wednesday morning, the day before my real due date.  Who knows, maybe God just knows I'm an induction kind of girl.  My planned personality may not be able to handle a shocking middle of the night water break...  We. Will. See.  
Miss Anything?  COOL WEATHER!!  This past week has been MISERABLE!!! 
Movement: He was really still Monday and Tuesday to the point that I was sort of worried and asked the doctor if it was okay that I haven't felt him move much.  They said it was normal to feel less movement towards the end of pregnancy; however, by the end of the week he has been moving A LOT more.  

Food cravings: Still loving watermelon.  I think I have eaten a whole half from Tuesday-Thursday of this week by myself!!  It is one of the few things that helps me to stay cool.  Chick Fil A's diet frosted lemonades are very refreshing too!!  Cereal and peaches are still a favorite, and I live on sandwiches at lunch.  I had a cheeseburger craving one day as well.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Don't care for anything heavy.  The lighter and more refreshing the food is the better!!
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a BOY!!
Symptoms: Burst of energy!!  I have done crazy things like cut back shrubs and roses in our yard, clean out our garage and sweep it out on a 90 something degree day, clean his rocker and stroller outside in the crazy heat.  I think the nesting is getting worse and worse.  I am not able to go to bed at night unless everything is in its place for fear of needing to go to the hospital in the middle of the night.  I still have the throat burn and swelling... but I really have felt better this past week and had more energy than I have in a LONG time.
Belly Button in or out? Stretched out and flat
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby!!!  I am ready... well as ready as I will ever be!  Bags are packed, house is clean, and notes are made for whoever ends up being with Emersyn.  Brayden and Emersyn's rooms are not complete, but I knew they wouldn't be by delivery time... I've just accepted the fact that they will be a work in progress :)  I am also anxious about becoming a family of 4.  I know I will love him as everyone says you do with the 2nd, but it is so hard to imagine until it happens!!  Praying Emersyn will adjust easily and Daniel and I can be the parents God has called us to be for both of our babies. 

 Emersyn and I had a "mommy daughter day" to get ready for baby brother.  We decided to put some blue on our toes for him :)  Now he needs to hurry up and come before they mess up... or my feet swell anymore!!

 Enjoying story time at the library with her friend Harper.  They did a wonderful job listening to the stories and dancing to the songs!!

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks
Baby size: Pumpkin, 6.80 lb, 19.61 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: I went to the doctor Thursday and have gained 27 pounds so one pound since my last appointment a week ago.
Maternity clothes? Yes! 
Stretch marks? No 

Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty hard at night minus getting up to use the bathroom.  I am waking earlier than normal simply because I have so much on my mind that I want to accomplish before baby arrives.  As soon as I wake, I am ready to conquer as much as I can before the rest of the house wakes.
Best moment this week:
Emersyn spent all day Friday through Saturday afternoon with Daniel's parents for us to get things done around the house.  I went a bit into panic mode once the doctor told me at 37 weeks I would need to be induced by 39 weeks because of baby's weight.  We worked on Emersyn's big girl room, Brayden's nursery, cleaning around the house, and I ran errands most of Friday getting last minute things I knew we needed for Brayden in those first few weeks.  Sunday was full of celebrating!!  We went to church, ate lunch at my dad's parents, visited my mom's parents for my grandpa's 88th birthday and their 67th anniversary, and then we had dinner with Daniel's family for his mom's birthday.  I squeezed in a nap with Emersyn during her nap time that day to keep me going through all the activities.  We had maternity pictures on Monday and Emersyn did FANTASTIC!!!  You never know how that child is going to respond in front of a camera, but I was SO thankful and proud that she smiled so well without even being bribed ;)  There is a sneak peak above... will post more pictures when we receive the link of them all.  Tuesday evening, I went a little crazy and had Daniel watch Emersyn while I went to Costco, Walmart, and Target to stock up on food and household supplies for the next month or so because I have no clue when I will be up to shopping again.  I ended up not getting home until after 10pm so you can imagine how swollen my feet were.  I guess they would call this "nesting."  

I had a doctor's appointment this Thursday and went in thinking we would be scheduling an induction for next Thursday, July 20th.  Brayden's heart rate was in the 140s and my vitals were good.  He checked me and I was still a big fat ZERO and 50% effaced.  I saw the same doctor as last time... but this time he told me something totally different.  He said since I am not progressing at all, he was not going to schedule an induction yet.  He really wants me to be at least a 2 before inducing because of my induction history with Emersyn and how it almost resulted in a C-section.  SO, we are playing the waiting game again :)   He is having me come back next Tuesday to see if I have progressed any.  If not, he said it's a 50, 50 chance either way.  If I wait past 39 weeks, baby could get too big.  If I induce without a favorable cervix, it could result in C-section as well.  He said to go home, talk to my husband about it, and we would make a decision next Tuesday.
Miss Anything?  Bending over easily and being able to enjoy the summer heat.  I am OVER summer and cannot wait until cool fall weather.  We have spent a lot of time in the pool simply because that is the only way I can really stand to be outside lately.
Movement: He is active when I am still, but I have not been very still this week.  I've been on a mission pretty much every day trying to get things checked off the "to do list."  Some nights I push around on my belly because I realize I haven't felt him much and want to make sure he's okay. 

Food cravings: WATERMELON, G2 Gatorade, turkey and tomato sandwiches, salt and vinegar chips, cheeseburgers, pizza, cheese toast, pastas, turkey bacon avocado sandwich from Panera
Anything making you queasy or sick: Greasy foods, heavy foods, casseroles, anything with onions/peppers, heavy desserts, sausage, bacon
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a BOY!!
Symptoms: Swelling especially in hands, feet and legs.   I put my rings on for the maternity pictures and could BARELY get them off.  I also tried to wear heals for the pictures, but my feet would not go in them... I felt like the wicked step sisters.  Throat burn in afternoons/evenings, tightening (Braxton Hicks contractions), hard to sit up for long periods of time, starting to feel more pressure below.
Belly Button in or out? Pretty much just stretched flat
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: Seeing what the doctor says on Tuesday and trying to get more checked off of our list!!  

Emersyn with her cousins for Gran Gran's birthday

Thursday, July 13, 2017

37 Weeks

How far along? 37 weeks
Baby size: Winter Melon, 6.30 lb, 19.13 in (crown to heel)
Total weight gain/loss: I went to the doctor today and have gained 26 pounds!!!  I guess I did some damage at the beach trip... 3 pounds in 2 weeks :(
Maternity clothes? Yes! 
Stretch marks? No 

Sleep: Sleep has been very off and on.  Some nights I will sleep solid like a rock, get up to use the bathroom, and go right back to sleep until Emersyn wakes me.  Then other nights I wake between 1-3am and do not go back to sleep for the remainder of the night.  I know I have a lot on my mind of ALL THE MANY THINGS that need to be done in the next few weeks... and I am anxious about the big change that is about to happen and how Emersyn is going to adjust.  That could be part of what is messing up my sleep, but I am also hot flashing throughout the night and it is simply hard to get comfortable with such a large belly.  Sunday night I woke at 2am and could not go back to sleep the rest of the night and Monday I woke at 1am and was up the rest of the night.  When the 4th of July came on Tuesday... the fun "let's go to the pool or lake Erica" was gone.  Thankfully Daniel realized it and played with Emersyn most of the morning for me to relax some.  When I am asleep though, it is deep sleep.  Poor Daniel has slept more on the couch or in the bed with Emersyn than in his own bed because my snoring is so bad.
Best moment this week: We returned from the beach and Friday I took a LONG nap to catch up in my own bed :)  Saturday we went to my parents to swim, but a storm came so we stayed inside and had dinner together.  When we told Emersyn on Saturday that we were going to see Mimi and Pappy, she grabbed her bag and started putting clothes in it saying she was going to spend the night... and she did haha!!  Sunday, since Emersyn was at my parents, Daniel and I skipped church to get a few things done on our "to do list" while we were kid free.  Around lunch we headed to my parents and spent the rest of the day swimming with them and Emersyn.  We normally are at the lake for the 4th, but I have no desire to bounce around in a boat right now!!  We had a delicious cookout at Daniel's parents on the 4th and then went to Lake Bowen to watch the fireworks.  

Thursday, I had a doctor's appointment.  I gained 3 pounds!!  I think that is the most I have gained between any doctor's appointment ahhh!!  Baby is growing or either I ate too much at the beach.  I had an ultrasound, and we were able to see Brayden really good.  He showed his sweet squishy face this time!!  His heartbeat was 138bpm, and my fluid level was a 17 which was good.  He is measuring in at a whopping 7lbs 7oz and in the 80%ile!!!  Emersyn weighed 7lbs 6oz at 41.5 weeks, so he is a much bigger baby.  When I saw the doctor, he seemed a bit concerned with how big Brayden measured and said that he probably would not let me go past 39 weeks.  He checked to see if there was any progression, and I heard those stinging words: your cervix is not favorable at all... you're a ZERO!!  I asked him why he thought baby brother grew SO MUCH between 28 weeks when he was in the 29%ile and 37 weeks when he was in the 80%ile.  I told him I craved much healthier things with this pregnancy than with Emersyn and had gained less weight at this point with him than with her.  I also said that all I hardly eat for dinner lately is a bowl of Cheerios and peaches.  He told me to lay off the Cheerios haha!!  So between now and 39 weeks, I am praying specifically for several things.  
1)  Safe delivery for both of us and a healthy baby boy
2) That I can deliver without a C-section
3) That I can go into labor on my own 
4) If that can't happen, that I can at least dilate to a 2 on my own so we can start Pitocin and avoid the night before medicines like I had to do with Emersyn
Miss Anything? I'm past getting ready every day and would prefer to just be at home in a tshirt because that is the most comfortable.  I'm looking forward to being able to bend and move quicker and easier once this big belly is gone... every task takes longer, even getting up from the floor or in the car.  I also miss enjoying being outside with Emersyn.  I am totally over this heat!!!
Movement: He was super active during the ultrasound we had, which was around 3pm.  He is also very active if I wake at night around 2-3am.  There is no doubt that he is getting his "kick counts" in for the day (although I don't ever count them). 

Food cravings: Watermelon, peaches, smoothies, cereal, hamburgers, salt and vinegar chips, sandwiches with tomatoes
Anything making you queasy or sick: Bacon, eggs, anything containing  onions or peppers, usually pass up on desserts
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a BOY!!
Symptoms: Throat burn has gotten worse this week, so I am keeping gum in many afternoons and evenings and upping the Tums I take.  I've also started having some upper thigh pains, and things are still super crowded in the stomach area.  Sitting for long periods of time is impossible.  I feel SO much better in the mornings because I am smaller, but as the day goes on... everything grows (belly, ankles, calves, fingers, etc).
Belly Button in or out? In but pretty flat, and it is still very tender.
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: After learning that I only have 2 weeks to go because of his weight, I am currently in panic/get it done mode.  I was assuming he would be like Emersyn and come way over my due date, so I at least had 4 more weeks... SURPRISE!!!  Things are about to get really serious and crazy around here (sorry Daniel haha)!! 

 Once again, cannot get the pictures to turn the right way, sorry!!  Here's our little chunk!!

4th of July Cookout at McDowell's

 Checking out the food table

 She couldn't sit for excitement... eating a chicken leg while swinging :)
