How far along? 40 weeks (Only got a belly picture because we were heading to hospital in the evening, and I have been a little too emotional toady to show my face. Changing from a family of 3 to 4 is very exciting but bittersweet at the same time!)
Baby size: Watermelon, 7.63 lb, 20.16 in (crown to heel)
Total weight
gain/loss: 26 pounds today, lost one pound from last doctor's visitMaternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I have slept really good all week until last night. I had some anxiety about today's doctor's appointment and what was ahead.
Best moment this week: Emersyn and I have had some fun swimming days together, visited the library, gone to one of her friend's birthday parties and I've taken a few naps with her to get in some extra snuggles. I had a doctor's appointment today at 39 weeks and 6 days... tomorrow is due date!! Vitals were good, Brayden's heart rate was still in the 140s. I was dilated to 2cm and still 80% effaced. Doctor suggested we go ahead with induction because of his weight. He asked me to come in today at 5pm to begin the Cervidil and then will begin Pitocin in the morning. I begged to wait until around 8:30-9pm tonight to come in so Daniel and I can put Emersyn to bed as a family of 3 one last time. He reluctantly agreed. SO, looks like it's go time!! I have a sea of mixed emotions right now. Thankful to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel where we get to meet our baby boy. Nervous about how Emersyn is going to react and adjust to all the many changes. Anxious of how labor and delivery will go since we seem to be going down the same road we did with Emersyn. Praying this delivery is much faster than Emersyn's was with no complications and no C-section. Also praying that through all the transitions, Emersyn will know how very much we love her and that God will help me in balancing my time and energy between my two little blessings.
Miss Anything? I have been living moment to moment this week, not knowing what was ahead or when he was deciding to come. I have been cleaning my house daily and trying to do things spur of the moment. For this planner... it has been a challenge. I know for a while my life will be very unpredictable and centered around potty breaks, nursing times, and diaper changes. I'm learning more and more to be flexible and expect the unexpected :)
Movement: He has been moving A LOT!! Sometimes it is painful and I experience a lot of pressure from the movements. When we are swimming in the pool I also feel more pressure when he moves.
Food cravings: Watermelon, fried rice, light "girlie foods," cheeseburgers, pizza, cereal, smoothies, refreshing foods (like sherbet ice cream and Chick Fil A's diet frosted lemonade), pastas, and wraps
Anything making you queasy or sick: I was very nauseated and light headed this past Saturday afternoon and Sunday. I took a three hour nap with Emersyn Saturday afternoon I was so weak. I am not sure if it was heat exhaustion and maybe not drinking enough water or if I had a touch of stomach bug. I felt much better and had more energy after Sunday.
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Gender: It's a BOY!!
Symptoms: Besides the nausea spell Saturday and Sunday, I have felt pretty good considering HOW pregnant I am. My biggest complaint would be the heat and my hot flashing. It is near to impossible to stay cool when the weather is well into the 90s every day. The swelling is worse due to the heat as well. I feel the very best when I'm in the pool.
Belly Button in or out? Pretty flat
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby boy!!! Praying he comes tomorrow and does not take two days like his big sister. I am also looking forward to seeing Emersyn's reaction and face when she first meets her little brother!! Video camera is ready!!!
Enjoying cupcakes at Abigail's birthday party
Ice cream date with daddy and mommy
Brayden's Maternity Pictures