We decided to tell my parents and brother the Monday after we found out. We had them over to our home for dinner to celebrate my dad's 55th birthday. I planned the menu around the baby. We had petite medallions, baby potatoes, and baby zucchini cakes. Dessert was just one of daddy's favorite cakes - coconut cream. We had planned to share the news after dinner, but I just could not hold it back. If you know my relationship with my mother at all, it was SOOO hard to keep it a secret from her from Saturday to Monday. I could not wait any longer. Daniel had the medallions on the grill, so in between one of his flippings I sent him a text telling him the change of plans. I gave daddy his birthday present, and I gave my brother a bag with a gift for his upcoming mission trip to Guatemala. You can see daddy's card and Clay's surprise below.
Clay's surprise gift!!
Daddy got teary eyed and so did mama. Clay kept asking if it was for real because he has been trying to talk us into making him an uncle since our honeymoon : ) It was a fun time sharing all the excitement.
We had decided to tell Daniel's family by giving his nieces and nephew a "big cousin" t-shirt. We ordered them the day we found out we were expecting and waited for them to be shipped to our house. They came in the following Friday, so we decided to all eat together at his parents that Sunday for lunch. We put the shirts in Valentine bags and told the kids it was a late Valentine's day gift. His oldest sister was the first to catch on of why we were giving the kids the "big cousin" shirts. It took everyone else a while to figure out what was going on, but they were eventually excited : )
Our nephew, Matt's, shirt.
The shirt we ordered our nieces, Addison and Emma.
We gave in and told our extended families when I was around 8 or 9 weeks. We told my mama's family one afternoon at my grandparents. My grandpa is legally blind and has this large magnifying screen that he can put papers under to show on the screen. I took out one of our ultrasound pictures and asked him to put it under the screen to see if he could tell what it was. My aunt Barbara started screaming as soon as she saw it so all the other family and little cousins ran in the room. They were all happy, and it is such a blessing to still have my grandparents to share our baby with. We had my dad's parents at my parents home for Sunday lunch. My grandma had asked us to come eat at her house that day, but I had been so sick that I knew I would not be able to stomach the smell of all the food. My parents invited them to their house instead. When we sat down at the table, and I told Momom that the reason we couldn't come to her house was because I had been really sick lately. She caught on immediately and said, "Are you pregnant?" They were very happy and Momom said it was about time. She called my dad's sister and brother to tell them the news. Daniel went to tell his PopPop and Grandma Elsie at their house one afternoon and shared some of the ultrasound pictures with them, and Daniel's mom made some phone calls to other family members to share the news.
One of the ultrasound pictures we used on my grandpa's screen to show the Painter family. This was taken at 8 weeks and 5 days. The heartbeat 184bpm.
As more and more people knew, our excitement grew and we began to realize that this was actually happening! We were going to become parents!!
This was how the news was shared on Facebook.
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